When you see it, you'll sh*t bricks. No really, I'm confounded by the amusement factor. Unless Sephy is the headless horsemen and he's doing some 'AWWWWYEAHHH' pose.
... I'll leave you all with this~ Spoiler [video=youtube;NkgbKoKcntU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkgbKoKcntU[/video]
No, but seriously, the weirdest thing I found was that there was a pattern in the rocks that vaguely reminded me of Mt. Rushmore
Wait, is it supposed to be some kinda social commentary on how the British are characterized as being somewhat reserved, and thus show intimate thought by standing 15 feet away from each other? Cause if that's the case, then yes I get it, but if not, then I'm still lost. If you're going by normal, not British fangirl laws, the fact that they're sharing an area, and looking at each other intently, then of course they're doing it. But that's just regular fangirl talk. I don't know what my point with this post was anymore...
I was referring to the fact that the British are known for exceptional use of symbolism in their literature and other artwork, and thus may have a tendency to go overboard with symbolism in examples such as this.
...So no one noticed a) Sephiroth's short b) he's floating or c) he isn't holding his sword? ...And what I found amusing was point a.