Alright, so my brother's Vita started acting up today and we're not sure what's going on. After a series of events, my brother tried to turn off the Vita, but instead the system only showed a spinning circle on the screen, and the PS button began flashing. Over time, the screen went black, but now (about 4 hours after it started) the PS button is still flashing. Here's a quick rundown of what happened before the issue started: He was playing the Unit 13 demo, when suddenly the sound just cut out. He made sure the volume was up, and he was still able to play, but there was no sound whatsoever. He then exited the demo, taking him to the home screen. Then he attempted to start the demo again, but after he tapped the little Unit 13 Demo App bubble on the home page, nothing happened. The bubble went to the middle of the screen, but nothing prompting him to start the game ever appeared. It was at this point that he attempted to power off the system, only to get the spinning circle and flashing PS button. We've tried holding down the power button for several minutes (which is really all we can do since we can't get to the battery), and got nothing. Did my brother get a faulty system, or is there a solution to all this? This is one of the first edition bundle Vita's. Any help is appreciated.