When I see this, I imagine he's jumping out of some sort of different parallell universe. (I don't quite know how to phrase that in English right now, sorry) Now, what I would suggest to you is to let the background reflect on the object nearest to the viewer. That is something I have learned will always happen, not much is needed to fix that. :3 A really low opaticy should be enough. So it is something like your 1st version, just not that strong blue colour - letting it follow the shape of the character adds to the reflect effect.
So your saying the shadow on the first one should go behind Venom in the shape of him? (I am going to post the newer RE: Cnc version soon)
Alright, She Coach, you asked for it... This is obviously MUCH better that most that I see for first tries on sigs, HOWEVER, it isn't THAT great. YOu're getting the point of using brushes to blend your stock in, which is VERY good and you're blending it with the background a tiny bit. Although you did that, there is still so much more you can do to make it better. Gradients\plain colours overlaying: When you make your sig, you want everything to blend in. By making a newlayer and putting either filling in a colour or gradient that matches the stock into it and setting it to either color or overlay at about 25% to 50% can really make it look nice. OR you can put two colours that match your sig for your foreground and background colours, right click the sig, go to copy viewable, making a new layer, paste into the layer, go to filters>colors>map>gradientmap, and putting that layer to overlay or color at 20% to 40% works as well. Text: Your text seems like it was just slapped on. THAT IS NOT GOOD! First, when choosing your font you usually want a normal\regular\default font, but in some cases you can use a fancy one. When I do text, I usually make it shadowed where you duplicate the text layer, change the colour of one of them, and move one of the layers down two or three pixels so it's shaddowed. For the slapped on part, usually if you brush around it on a new layer and set it to soft light or another layer thing, it'll look alright. Your Gradient blending also helps in blending the text. Background: Backgrounds are kinda hard to get into. If you have a stock that's not rendered; just a square, an you want to use it, basically cutting random spots from other parts using splot brushes can help you make the background more interesting. If you're using and actual render, then there are three things I like to do: -Use a plain color or a simple gradient. This really only works if you're using a certain technique, though. -Create a layer, past the render over and over in the layer so nothing is showing and mess with it! Some fun things are iWarp, picking at it,and motion blur -Use brushes you downloaded and just go over a layer with them with colours that match the render. Other than that, there's nothing really wrong with it. If you can get those down, you can get into more technical stuff like lighting(which isn't that hard.) Hope you use this info! x3
Not necessarily behind him: since he has a lot of muscles there's a lot of shine. Not only that, but the outfit looks like it is made of fabric similliar to leather. And leather is a very reflecting material. Shade the blue on his legs, arms, abbs... Everywhere that suggests shape. If you have the shadows, the highlights and the reflections it can really improve an image. I forget to tell earlier, you may want to lessen the opacity of the white behind him too, if it is meant to give the impression of speedlines it is a bit too sharp at the moment. I hope this helps.
HOLLY SOFA! Thats a lot of words. This will help a lot. I will have to re-read a few parts in here when I am making my new sig. At least I know I am getting somewhere. Thanks! I got cha'. This is help. I'll use the advice with my next sig.
Since hissy said everthing I wanted to all I want to say is that you have more skill in your first sig that I see out of alot of others first sigs. Goodjob
I'm leaning towards V.2, but now for the C'n'C. Here we go *cracks knuckles* it's pretty good, but you should stick to maybe 2 main colors and not have little spots of other colors. Another thing is that the actual effects are kinda basic. They're a bit to sharp and repetitive. Try looking up a couple of tuts. Great job otherwise.