Please tell me this isn't a thing.
I think it's quite interesting "Restaurant Managers progress their way through Shift Management and Systems Management courses while attending one of our 22 regional training centers. Once these courses have been completed, managers attend Hamburger University where they learn the additional knowledge and skills they need to run a multi-million dollar restaurant."
Well...Doesn't sound so..."odd", I guess, when you put it that way. Hamburger University is still a funny name though. ._.
So's hamburgler . . . I hate that dude . . . had a bad ordeal one day because of him . . . thought I saw him standing above me holding a pizza cutter . . . first time in my life I was in fear so bad I froze up. Suffice it to say, I think he's creepy. Wonder how many trolls upload a pic now -_-
It's a genuine university and focuses on a set curriculum. It looks like it teaches what's required, while teaching other things. Mainly, business and management, along side food safety. The name is really funny though.
As soon as I read "goodluckcharlie" my money was on it being stupider. I hate the children shows of today. What happened to the violence? The humor? Not the kindness and love.
No! The pizza cutter!! lol don't worry if you don't know what i'm talking about, i'm proud to be thought of as insane.