Is auto PM really working? It's just that I was definitely on 330 posts earlier... now I'm on 326... and no PM. Also... I could have sworn before earlier, I was higher than 330... but I took that as a mistake due to having no PMs... now, I'm positive I have lost posts... so I'm curious about this for everyone else... :/
I have never seen my post count go down EVER- wait, wasn't my post count just at 1241? D: Why the decrease? Humbug! I'm pretty sure this is the only time I've actually seen my postcount go down, but I didn't get a PM. Might have been some thread that's been moved to the spam zone or sumthin?
Edited my post to elaborate :3 I know it's working though, or was at least, since I just posted a really spammy post in one of the sections once to get a mod to delete it, just because I wanted to see what an Auto PM looked like. It was glorious.
I was spazzing about it working the other day. >: In the RP Arena, at least. When I've edited/moved posts, it's sent out PMs accordingly.
Hmm... well, I've not noticed a thread I posted in get moved to the spam zone etc, I don't think I've even posted more than 4 times in a single thread for it to have been moved anyway... It's odd... I wonder why I've lost posts but have no autoPM then. :/
Might be if a thread is deleted... don't think it pms everyone that posted in the thread just whoever made it. But I dunno what thread it would be. The mod isn't very good so I'm not surprised if it doesn't work properly.
Yep I deleted about 11 pages worth of threads. It did PM the people who made the threads just not the people who posted in it.
Dont forget that cool option in the general settings in your usercp that allows you to have autopm enabled or diasbled. It doesn't work but who cares... it's cool.
Hmm, that could explain it I guess. lol I mean why I've lost posts etc, but yeah, I wish I knew the thread. But ah well... no biggie. Hmm, I don't tend to post in the Code Vault... but none the less... thanks lol That might explain it. XD