Is it God's way of telling us?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Sexy Sheva, May 19, 2008.

  1. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    That something big is coming? I mean, there's been so many natural disasters in such a little time...
    A Volcanic Eruption
    Earthquake in China
    Tornado's in Kentucky and some part of Tennessee
    Thunderstorms and Hurricanes

    For me, it just seems like something big might happen soon
    And there's even been rumor that Barrack Obama is the anti-christ

    It's starting to frighten me somewhat and i was hoping to see some of the forums theories.
  2. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Natural disasters are controlled by no one. All we can do is find out when and if something happens. I don't fully believe in a god, so I don't think that is at ALL the cause for it.

    As for something big, it is possible. It's always been possible. But hardly has such prophecy ever come true. If it does, that's k. If not, that's k as well. I don't care if it happens. What I can't believe is that there is some underlying physicality controlling everything about it. *shrugs* It's a random occurrence, and fretting about it is only going to psychologically dismantle yourself.

    As for Barrack Obama being the anti-Christ, that is a complete prophecy, and a bias one at that. IF Christianity were true, I think that Hillary, McCain and Obama would all have the same probability of being the "anti-Christ." Why? Because they all have their bad-sides, they all have their bad-points at things, and that's just the way it is with everyone.
  3. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    It's not like there haven't been natural disasters for all of human history. I mean, sure the global situation is bad, but that's humanity's doing not God's. If he did have a sign for us, it wouldn't be so destructive. God doesn't use pain & suffering to make a point. That's Satan's playing field.
  4. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    I thought of it too. But one step is missing, the disappearances. If christians disappeared, then I would know the god is coming. If it didn't then we are under the mercy of mother nature instead.
  5. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland

    Barrack Obama as the anti-Christ. I had a good giggle at that. Really, all politicians could be considered anti-Christs. "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely"

    As for natural disasters, they happen all the time. I think it was said that China was due another big earthquake anyway. It would take something supernatural to show anything even slightly religious and the term "supernatural" means outside of nature meaning impossible. Don't hold your breath =]
  6. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    what would make you say that?

    i was just curious seeing that i am christian, and i quite didnt get this
  7. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    At the time of the rapture, "The end", it's said that all the true believers of the world would be ascended to heaven and disappear fromt he earth in a flash of lightning. If this were possible, more then few million people would disappear in less then a second.

    Natural disastors have been around since the Big bang, end of story. Seriously. Stop. Natural disastors were around before humans. There are natural disastors on other planets where there are no people. If god were punishing us, and all natural disastors were meant for us, there'd be no need for 1. Natural disastors happening in places were humans don't exist, 2. Places where humans don't exist.

    And Barack Obama being the anti-christ is laughable. Sorry, but that's just silly. In fact, if I were you, and I heard the words "Anti-christ", I would laugh, fall over, get up, and walk away. The Anti-christ isn't even a biblical prediction, it's stupid propagranda made by paranoid people who look at every bad thing as a message from the gods, and what about the good things that happen to the world?

    I can't believe that out of the 6 billion people on this planet, more then half are convinced that the world will end because the are bad things happening. In all honesty there were global tragedies long before humans, and even during human population, the age of globalism in which the superpowers began exploring the whole fo the earth only began little over 600 years ago. And the wolrd has only ever been truly connected by the internet and television withint he last 100 years. It's not that calamaties are becoming more frequent, it's that we as a planet are becoming less ignorant of what's happening on the other side of us. Humans have become more aware about EVERYTHING in the last 100 years. It's not an increase in frequency of destruction, it's an increase in global awareness about what's good and what's bad.

    The sad thing is that people refuse to see the good things that DO happen in the world everyday. Why? Why don't people see and appreciatte the world for what it is? The world is better now then it EVER has been. This century, this generation, is the century that we humans choose wether or not we will survive another Million years or another 100. With this pressure, I wouldn't sit around crying over the HALF BLACK man trying to run for president, I'd be up electing Ron Paul.

    Ron Paul ftw.
  8. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    oh, thanks ,i kinda forgot about that

    but, i dont believe in the rapture.

    XD, cin are you okay? you sound agitated

    but , very true, its human nature to notice the bad and the good we just take it for grated

    here's what i think

    sometimes we blame satan to much and sometimes we give God to much credit and vice -versa
  9. Repliku Chaser

    I agree with Cin here.

    If people actually looked through history and saw natural disasters all across the globe they'd see that these sorts of things have been around and will continue to go on and the severity on the earth itself is the way it just is and has been. The densities of these natural disasters go in rising and falling scales, sure, but really, it's not any worse than it has been at varying points in history. China was hit in 1975 with a major earthquake too on the same magnitude and in years past as well. Volcanoes have done their things, storms etc. Yes, there are changes in our environment, but the scale of human death etc is not that much different from what it was when you consider we now have a higher population and if places are struck that hold many people, such as cities, the death toll is high.

    As for the Anti-Christ stuff and all the rapture whole thing etc...I don't buy into any of it. There are too many radical Christian groups out there teaching people about that and children, and I see no need to spread such fear and disarray. I remember having horrible dreams about that at 11 through 13 years old and finally resolved that it was all just fear tactics. When lives end, they do and that's just how it will be if it happens.

    If the world has some tragedy, it will probably be understood why it happens and there is no great mystery or magical thing. We have been able to avert some things and we also have ways of even dealing with the global warming issue if people act on it soon enough. The clues to problems are out there and we already know it but some things like earthquakes are going to happen and there's nothing we can do about it, but we know how they work. We do have some things to work on to preserve 'our existences' and the effects of what we do and what nature and all is doing are out there to be understood. As humans, we can take acts to change what we do, whereas nature is going to go its course. God isn't punishing us. Satan doesn't cause the natural disasters. There are logical explanations for all of them with no hocus pocus involved. It's predictable. Life goes on as it will and repercussions happen naturally by actions. Cause and Effect. As sentient beings, we can actually choose to change our actions but some things, we just can't contend with and have to deal with it.
  10. Spammy Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 9, 2007
    Somebody's heart.
    I'd say it was global warming hotting up.. (lol hotting up..)

    Ryan Giggs is the anti christ anyway, i say we get him
  11. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    ya know, I thought this very same thing a long time ago when that sunami hit those islands off of china and when hurrican katrina hit... and nothing big happened... so, it is probably just mere couinsidence...
  12. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
    I seriously doubt it. Natural disasters are, as their name points out, natural.
    And the fact that people are calling Obama the anti-christ is just ridiculous.
  13. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    I'm with you there. Me and my class have been discussing this. Barrack Obama being the anti-christ..maybe but I highly doubt it. He fits some of the bill. But as for the natural disasters, there have been many and much worse. Although there have been many terrible earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. there haven't been any that have 'broken past records' of other events that have occurred.

    God told us we will not know when he comes back, Cuppy. But don't worry, as long as you trust in Him, there is nothing to fear, right? Trust me, enjoy your life and don't worry. As long as you have God, there is nothing to worry about what is to come, he'll get you through.
  14. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    how is Barock Obama the anti-christ? it says in the bible that "the anti christ will come out of..." (some wierd name that is now, in modern day, called Iran) and Obama was not born in Iran... case closed on that...
  15. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    Im not an expert, but im pretty sure most events can be linked back to global warming. There really arent "a lot of natural disasters," there have just been like 3 or 4 in the past 2 months...that seems pretty normal actually.

    As for Obama being the anti christ? (I dont personally support Ron Paul, but I definately agree with what Cin said)
    I know you cant answer a question by asking one but doesnt that seem a bit biased?
    This '08 election is a big one, but if you strip everything down to its core, you realize, Obama, Hillary and McCain, even though they are souped up by the media are
    just. people.
  16. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    I don't know. If god is really going to do something, then we better try and do better. The only reason I see why god would do something is that we have been neglecting things and that war is getting worse. So maybe god will or god won't. We have no say since we can't predict things like that.
  17. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Come on, they said the world would end in 1997, then 2000, 06/06/06, and now this... They should just give up while they have the chance. No way in hell would the world end anywhere near this time...

    Just think about the dinousarous being wiped out.
  18. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    The dinosaur comment actually supports the theory that the end of the world may come soon. After all, Earth's history so far has shown a pattern of mass extinction at equal intervals, if you look at the geologic record we're actually in for one soon.
  19. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    I respect that, totally.

    Anyway, here's my opion.

    I believe the "Dr"(Really, only reverends who actually do their jobs should have the title of Doctor of physolophy) Reverend Jerimiah Wright got his wish.

    "Not God Bless, but God *&^* America! They created AIDs, and the rest of blah, blah blah, anti-american,
    racial fire-staring bull."

    I'm white, and all of this racist stuff going on that targets white people,
    because some people's ancestors bought and owned slaves.

    Now, we have "Black Liberation"
    that says God will only give heaven to Black people.

    The rest of the whites will have time to get nice and black in hell,
    then maybe when we're black,
    then he'll allow us in.

    God loves ALL his creation.
    You can bash me for being Catholic,
    and I can respect that.

    Some cannot grasp why we believe in God the same way many Catholics cannot accept muslims.

    I believed the same thing for a while,
    that with the democratic partie's campaign,
    God was running his own campaign for a while.

    But then I realized something that somebody stated here:

    The story of Noah and the Ark, Genesis 6:14(? I don't know...I think that's the thing from Evan Almighty..)

    God washed away the sins of men,
    and only allowed the righteous to live.

    God was angry,
    God didn't like us,
    and more blah blah blah.

    God most probably allowed all of the creation that was killed in the flood,
    auto-admission to heaven.

    Unless the souls were truely haneous,
    thus he would at least give them a conselation prize of 2,000 years in purgatory.

    But as for "2012", nope...not yet.
    Man still hasn't gotten enough about what they've done wrong.

    Won't probably be for another ten thousand years.

    No dereps, and no repping either for my opinion.
    I do not wholly like speaking in this section,
    mostly because it leads to hateful, unreligious(On many different grounds), biased opinions,
    that the writers do not see until it is too late.

    And most of the time,
    they can't take it out by editing it, simply put as that.
  20. guardiansoulblade Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 26, 2008
    Well if you want what the bible says about natural disasters and the end of the world is says in Matthew 24:6:
    You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7: Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8: All these are the beginning of birth pains.

    to read the Rest of the chapter please click here.