Okay, so I was doing an answer for my ask blog, as pictured here; So, I looked up references for Skaia and Prospit's clouds. I should note that the background pictured is what I had in my head when I started. While looking up references on Google image, I came across this image from DeviantArt; http://fav.me/d5aj19a I used it as inspiration for how I did the silhouettes and the shading on the figures. I used the clouds as references (I had already drawn Skaia in the bg when I'd found the image). In the final post, I did cite the DA picture as a reference. It does look kinda similar, though. My question is, would anyone be able to take that as plagiarism for looking so similar?
I wanted to sue the creators of Inception because they took the concept of my 5th-grade creative story project. but it was actually a good movie, so i let it all slide just this once
Pretty much the only way to get drilled for plagiarism is if you go "THIS IS MINE. I MADE IT AND IT BELONGS TO ME" when such is not true. Otherwise artists steal from reference each other all the time, ho-hum :v And when I say 'artists' I don't mean just 'illustrators'