Is it better to get one hour of sleep or no extra hour sleep?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Calxiyn, Feb 14, 2018.



  1. I’ll take the extra hour

    2 vote(s)
  2. I won’t take the extra hour

    2 vote(s)
  1. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    I was thinking about this recently cause I’m having trouble sleeping (this isn’t really a help with life thing though), but in your experience is it better to get another hour of sleep, or just go through it all together? Here’s some examples:

    - When you’re pulling an all-nighter, is it better to get one hour of sleep or push all the way through to the end? (So you were awake for 11 hours slept for 1 and then were awake 12 hours)

    - Your alarm wakes you up around an hour before you have to get up, do you sleep the hour or just wake up

    - If you have to commute is it worth it to sleep an hour on the train and then wake up and go about your day?

    I’m a number 2 & 3 example. I’ll always wake up at say, 5AM if I have to be up at 6AM, and if I happen to fall asleep I don’t know if I actually feel better rested because I’m just pulled out of sleep again. Same with on the train

    So I wanna know what y’all recommend: do you take the extra hour when you can get them, or do you just push through and not do the hour power nap because you’ll just be more tired?
  2. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    I need 2 to 4 hours minimum. Anything less would make me more of a zombie than no sleep at all. That' s just me though, I wouldn' t assume this to be a universal truth. Two hours would still be a bad idea though, who knows if I' ll even hear the alarm. I try to keep it as close to 4 as I can.

    Depends how sleepy I still feel.

    I' d be too scared not to hear the alarm. Happened to me once. A passenger noticed that I failed to wake up so he shook me. I ended up jumping out of a moving train while carrying my huge ass suitcase. I landed alright but I wouldn' t recommend it. xD

    A 15 to 20 minutes nap would probably be a good idea though.
    My dad takes daily after lunch naps, might explain why he' s fine only sleeping 3 to 6 hours a night.
  3. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    Considering that, towards the end of the hour, you'd be nearing REM sleep, I'd say that no sleep would be better. It's harder to wake up from REM sleep which can leave you feeling a lot groggier starting out in the day. I've often faced this issue a lot in the past, especially when getting ready to do something important, like starting a new job. Too excited/nervous to sleep, I'll lay awake until it's time to get up. I'd rather do this over getting just an hour.

    A short nap wouldn't be very harmful. As long as you're not entering REM sleep, a short nap can leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed.

    Just remember, even if you can't rest your mind, you should allow time for your body to recover from the physical strain of the day.
  4. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Yeah I forgot the technical term but that' s what I had in mind.
    Basically we keep oscillating between REM sleep phases and err... non REM sleep phases lol?
    The longer we sleep the shorter and shorter the phases get. The longer the REM phase the harder it' ll be to wake you up.
    I heard even slaps won' t work on some people during the first REM phase.
  5. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Yeah that’s really what I was thinking about, the REM thing. And so I wonder instead of actually sleeping if it’s just better for people to sit up and lie in bed, meditate or not sleep but just rest in a way
  6. rheds Banned

    Mar 11, 2018
    1 hour of sleep or no hour of sleep is no good. All nighters aren't really good for the health. It's better not to pull an all nighter. It's not very productive anyway.
  7. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    I’ve never pulled all-nighters but I included cause I think a lot of people do on the forum do XD for me my biggest problem is like, sleeping from 10-6, and then waking up at 6 knowing I need to get up at 7 and decide whether it’s worth it to try and go back.
  8. rogerflash Moogle Assistant

    Mar 19, 2018
    I really like to sleep. But really it is better to sleep all night)