That the four hour AP Lang exam had me so stressed that I felt sick to my stomach? I mean, I'm home and I feel a bit better, but still I was like on the verge of nausea. I care too much 'bout my future, don't I?
Noted, but I'm not bad at English. I got a 4 on the mock (5 when we used a different multiple choice section) and I honestly think I'll pass with at least a solid 4, despite any errors on the essays.
LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT WHEN I TOOK AP LANG I was doing pretty shweet on the mock exams because I had an awesome teacher and I really enjoy English and I am an English (+ Education) major now. So I was a little bit confident that I'd do well on the test. I took two APs that year, APUSH and AP Lang. APUSH was the first and that was whutevah... come AP Lang... Spoiler: minor tmi? idk I was struck with both a fever and my period. Normally my periods weren't bad, actually on the short side, regular, no bad cramps just some bloating, etc. This was not the case. It was around then that my periods were getting irregular as hell, and I felt like complete ****. I am pretty sure I was half delirious. I ended up writing a mildly racist synthesis essay and finishing about 30 minutes early. Afterwards I flat out left school, went home, and pretty much passed out. The next day I was feeling a bit better and I told my teacher about the possible racism in my essay and she just looked at me for a long time and said she hoped no asians read my essay. I got a 4.
YOU'LL DO BRILLIANTLY ERHMAHGERD EPICNESS! I mean, it's fine, that is just a symptom of stress- it manifests in so many ways but you'll get through them alive I'm sure : D
I am basically in that exact same boat except my fever was almost a week ago (still in the recovery period though so I'm sort of blah) and the other thing isn't the case. Wow, I was more condescending than anything else, but still. But thank you. At least I know someone else knows my feelings.
Is it bad that I just don't care about my AP test next week? I didn't care too much last year, but this year I just have no ****s to give (30ish days till graduation.)