Is Freedom of Speech too offensive?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Boy Wonder, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I wanted bump an old thread for this, but there's so many that I couldn't decide which one.

    Do you think people are getting offended too easily? Freedom of Speech seems to be quite hypocritical, in my opinion.
    A good example being religion. People complain about others pushing beliefs on them, and while I agree that it's annoying, that's actually part of the religion. But at the same time, they have no problem with telling believers they're wrong.
    What actually made me think about this was a Facebook group. "Petition to delete the group 'Soldiers are NOT heroes' from Facebook."
    Alright, that's offensive.
    Okay, I understand soldiers are fighting for the exact right that's being used to discredit them, but the way I see it, the soldiers fought for that right and for the right for people to use it however they want.
    This is also things like being politically correct.
    I see no reason why Soldiers are NOT heroes should be removed from Facebook.
    There was also that one thing here in the States with people disagreeing with Bush's war and being arrested or whatever it was. That was a major violation of their rights.

    Am I wrong, insensitive, or are some people missing the point of Freedom of Speech and need to grow tougher skin?
  2. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    I think some people forget that people with the opposite opinion for theirs have the right to freedom of speech as well. We have the right to say that something offends us, but we can't take away the right of free speech from someone else.

    But what if some guy stated that he wanted to continue Hitler's dream: would your first thought be that he has the freedom of speech to say that? Probably not. It certainly wouldn't be mine. The thing is, freedom of speech can be quite offensive. But when does it cross the line from suck-it-up offensive, to some insane guy shouting his plans for world domination?
  3. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i do think that some people are offended too easily, like those mothers who wanted that movie Kick-Ass banned for saying some word (not sure which it was). but at some point, people should stop being so obnoxious. i remember reading about teenagers who sent pictures of dead family member corpses to the families while they were still mourning and wrote stuff like "they got what they deserved". i read that lawmakers are trying to make a law to stop that which i do agree with because that's such an obnoxious thing to do.

    i think there should be SOME more restrictions on freedom of speech but not bar it TOO much.

    also, a side note, i don't think that facebook group "soldiers are NOT heroes" should be removed. because i think it's a valid point. there are lots of people who hate soldiers because they kill people just because someone ordered them to and that's understandable why people would believe they aren't heroes.

    edit: ok, i decided to check out the page for myself just to be sure i wasn't talking out of my ass. i didn't see anything that would warrant a removal. they actually discussed things somewhat intelligently. in my opinion, the ones who supported the soldiers were being very close minded in that facebook group.

    so to answer your question: i think people DO need to have a little tougher skin but we also need just a LITTLE bit more tweaking to freedom of speech.
  4. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Evilman, I'm gonna take a guess that the word in Kick-Ass is the see-you-enn-tee.

    On to the topic at hand, yes I believe in the freedom of speech, however what is needed is to discipline ourselves in order to know when to say something and when to hold it back. Full expression is illogical for many reasons, it can isolate you, make enemies for you and so on.
    That facebook group about soldiers not being heroes are entitled to their opinion. Few people really know about the day-to-day goings on, and less would be willingly to talk about it. From documentries I've seen most all basic troops are young, angry, racist and working class White people who have little concept of further thoughts apart from kill, eat, sh't, f'ck and sleep. Oh and are 'Patriots'.
    Of course this isn't likely for most troops, but seeing it in action like that makes it difficult to believe otherwise.

    Anyway it is their freedom and shouldn't be closed down becuase people don't like a little independent thinking.

    now, I've thought about the whole modern Nazi and Neo-Nazi groups, Klu Klux Klan and so forth aren't much of a danger to our social foundation. People over years have tried to revitalise old grudges and ancient beliefs with little success, mainly seeming like mad men. I would simply let the person continue their rant and beliefs, unless they began to act in a violent or aggressive way, then I start to take a concern in things.
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    The guy has the freedom to think and say that as long as he does not act with that in any way whatsoever.
    I find it perfectly acceptable for him to say he hates Jews. To me, it crosses the line when he either a) does something instead of says it or b) actually says that he will continue Hitler's dream. I mean saying "I don't like this kind of person" and saying "I'm going to kill these kinds of people" are both on separate sides of the line.
    If he says it, I'd say he deserves some investigation. But he's still entitled to say what he wants.

    As for the soldiers thing, both sides can't really have an opinion unless they're actually there. Soldiers are NOT heroes have their opinion on the murder, but they don't know what it's like to be ordered to do that and be there in danger constantly. Same for the ones who think Soldiers are heroes. They're not on the front lines. I always hear "My *enter family member here* is fighting for your rights, he's a hero!" Was he drafted or did he enlist himself? Has he killed people? Does he himself agree with the war? What about the in-field video of the soldiers killing civilians who had baseball bats because they "mistook" them as guns? etc. I believe if you haven't been on the front lines, you can have any opinion you want, but you can't bash others' opinions.

    I saw another group that pissed me off. "If you don't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them."
  6. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I can see that those people who aren't brave enough to protect the ones they love with their own hearts, and instead would throw those with differing views to the from tlines as human shields. What a strange way to show love, through bodies and bullets. Whatever happened to a box of chocolates and some roses?
    Next they'll be saying to throw paedophiles and theives to the front lines. As if the countries we're invading don't have enough problems already.