I got an iPod Nano recently. however, since i already have a MP3 player, and am quite happy with it, i decided i would use the iPod to put videos on. just videos. im starting with the cutscenes from KHII. heres the problem. when i downloaded the videos (the low quality ones, i did this awhile ago) i couldnt put them on my itunes. so, when the standard quality ones came out, i tried those. the AVIs wouldnt go on my itunes either, but the MP4s would. unfortunatly, the MP4s wont go on my nano because it doesnt support that format. any advice?
try converting the mp4's to mp3's and see if it works, I use any video converter to convert videos like the cutscenes in the cutscene archive or other videos to various formats like avis mpeg4 etc. though I'm not sure if avconverter (aka any video converter) supports mp3 formats so before you download it I would do some research on google to see if it does and if not then there are other video converters out there that can do what you want just google them and see what you get.^ ^
i have no idea how to do that. at all. do i have to download video converters off the internet? i will use that as my start.
yes just download them from the net and video converters are usually self explanatory their easy to figure out but if not then there are tutorials out there that explain how to use them if you don't understand how to use a specific video converter then I'd suggest trying to find a tutorial on youtube or the net to learn how to use that specific video converter.^ ^
MP3 is audio only, isn't it? 3 = audio, while the 4 is video. What you have to do is to convert them to .mov files. I think my nano supported mp4, but I am probably mistaken then. Anyhow, find a .mov converter, and you'll be all good.
Try downloading this :http://www.dvdvideosoft.com/ I use it to convert kh video's from here to my i-pod and it works fine.
Another alternative is the Prism Video Converter: here I used it when I needed to convert a video file for school, and it usually only takes about a minute or two to convert, from when I've used it.
Youtube downloader is also a great downloader/converter to use - http://youtubedownload.altervista.org/ I've been using it for years and it's very easy to navigate through and use. The converter is also great and converts any type of file to whatever you want.
I was gonna say that -.- But yeah, that suite has a heck load of great tools for conversion. That's exactly what you want.