Hmm. Seems that developers, along with hardcore gamers aren't too thrilled with the Wii.
It's funny because Nitendo is the only developer making good games on the Wii that truely push the systems limits. It's dissapointing to hear that people feel that way. For example, No More Heroes is not going to be on the Wii after NMH2 for that very reason. It's sad because the Wii has potential. I don't think alot of developers really have the patience to figure out how to make a great game without relying on gimicks. Hopefully, the Wii Motion+ will bring some more creativity since it features 1:1 motion sensing.
Oh Nintendo. Waiting 3 years to make people buy something to improve something that should have worked right at the start. Still, you bring up a good point with developers getting lazy when it comes to developing for the Wii. Hopefully some new studios will come up with great new games that utilize it's gimmick power.
Something that hasn't worked from the start, and yet still beats it's competition easily. Funny how things work.
That's funny, because if you look at the hardware specs of both devices, the Wii's numbers more than double the iPhones, and it was previously benchmarked that the iPhone had about as much graphical processing as a Dreamcast.
It's the Wii. 'nuff said. ohlawd Wow I may have to sell my Wii for an iPhone now. D: Although I don't want to pay 100 bucks a month for service. >:
I'm pretty sure the Wii is more powerful than a iPhone. However none of the developers are using it to their full potential except for Nintendo. Super Mario Galaxy was probably the first game on the Wii which had amazing above average graphics and most first party titles since then have been great quality compared to the 3rd party games.
You know, the only thing we didn't look at in the specs of gaming devices at college was the iPhone. I'm gonna bring this up when I go back. Anywho, it makes me laugh at how a lot of companies dislike the Wii. It can be fairly annoying at times but it is still fun to use at times. I remember when it came out here and Red Steel was all over TV, it looked good, then my friend got the game and said that it was a pain in the ass to play due to sensitivity. But I can imagine the iPhone being fun to play since I've seen people on buses playing somesort of game on it (I have no idea what it was). I guess the Wii just needs more makers to understand it.
the iPhone also has better games. Most Wii games are made by Nintendo&Friends, the ones that aren't are either made for 8-year-olds or they're unappreciated so you can't find them anywhere
Probably why most people prefer the wii over the iphone is because the good games for the wii are made for children, since it seems Nintendo is still the only one smart enough to reach out to the kids or even people who don't plan a lot of video games and get them into gaming. On the other hand, the iPhone was made mostly for adult, not quite 8 year olds, yeah? But that's just my opinion. Don't look too much into it.
Then, if we think that way, Sony it's the smartest, because the sony consoles got games for all ages, for children and teen (ratchet & clank, Jak & Daxter, Sly cooper, Crash 1, 2 & 3 and more) and for adult (Resistance, God of war, Uncharted, Killzone and more) And i think people bought the Wii, because they think the Wiimote was going to be Wow. I mean it isn't bad, but nothing replaces the classic controller. Hmm, i don't think the Iphone it's more powerfull than the Wii.
Yeah but it's been a long while since one of those came out. PS3 doesn't really have a ton of kid friendly games as much as the older consoles.