I love InMe. they like... rock. For those of you who know them, what is you favourite album of the three released so far?
I've been a fan for a very long time <3 Hmm I would have to say that White Butterfly is my favourite, because I like more of the songs on that one, such as So You Know and Faster The Chase. I love how edgey Overgrown Eden is, it sounds so raw with their music, White Butterfly is nice because the guys really came into their own, their music screams confidence on that album. I adore Daydream Anonymous, but you would be forgiven for thinking they are a completely different band. Though considering Joe left and was replaced by Greg I guess you could argue they are. All three albums are brilliant and also unique <3 I found it hard choosing a favourite D:
My decision wasn't as hard. Overgrown eden is a good album, and its cool to see where they came from, but it's still my least favourite, as Dave's singing isnt the best of him and since their music hgas matured a lot it really isnt that large of competition. Daydream Anonymous is na great album, but i'm not as familiar with it, and their music sounds a bit different to what i'm used too. Even so, I won't let go and In Loving Memory are the shizz! White Butterfly... is beyond words. The whole band blended, and there isnt one song that i dont absolutely.... welcome. And to top it all off.... Faster the Chase, the first song i ever heard of by them... i had to close my eyes as i typed that. It kind of fills my mind and body when i listen to it. -side fact- InMe voted that it was the best song they had ever recorded. I still laugh when i see their vids at Dave's hairless face and head! That whole thing sounded like a fangirl on who-knows-what, but thats how much i love them XD
I actually think Dave's singing on Overgrown Eden is damn impressive, think of songs like Wounds, Natural and Her Mask, heck I'm listening to the album now <3 They have matured yes, but I personally think that some of Dave's best vocals are on tht first album :3 Daydream Anonymous was meant to sound different because of the exchanging Joe for Greg, it would have been silly for them to try and be the same. In Loving Memory is my favourite song on that album, it's amazing, along with Turbulence. White Butterfly was when most people really heard about them, before then they didn't have as huge of a following. I guess WB really threw them out there <3 Faste the Chase is my favourite song by them full stop, it neevr fails to send shivers down my spine.
Quoted for emphasis. His voice is impressive in overgrown, but at some points, it sounds a bit... whiney? I don't know how to describe it. If you look up epic in the dictionary, it will say: 1. inf. cool 2. seeOtherside intro' I'm listening to Daydream right now. Switch to white butterfly? :D
See I personally find his voice to be the worst in Chamber, I love that song to pieces but then I think he ruins it near the end >_>; Otherside is indeed a ****awesome song, but I like Safe In A Room better. I was meant to be going to see them live but I couldn't get tickets ):
I love Chamber, I like how it goes all screamy at the end, sounds weird at first, but i've gotten used to it. It was something different. Ah InMe, one of my favourite bands, definately in my Top 3. Essex for Life. Favourite album huh, I go for Daydreams Anonymous. While I like Overgrown Eden, the vocals are eh, they are way to rough and forced, it suits the music, but I personally didn't like the way the vocals sounded for the most part. But Mosaic, Neptune and Underdose are great songs. White Butterfly, was brilliant, Dave's voice was so much better, much clearer and cleaner. While most on the album are more on the slower side (not exactly my area) songs like 7 Weeks, Chamber, So You Know and Safe in your Room are just brilliant. It's the album that got me into InMe. Now for the latest, Daydream Anonymous. I love the album so much. While OE was more post-grundge, WB was Pop/Rock, DA is progressive Rock/Alternative. I love most the songs on the album, the first part of the album was brilliant, gets a bit eh in the middle, but picks up at the end. Cracking the Whip, Thanks for Leaving Me, I Won't Let Go, Myths & Photographs, Far Reaching, Soldier are all brilliant songs. Daves voice is better and the guitars are much more technical. While it's a shame Joe left. Greg is a great replacement, maybe even better. I'm highly looking forward to the next album 'Herald Moth' it's good to see a return to the DA route with it being more technical, but making it darker and heavier. I can't wait, especailly after seeing this. Also looking forward to see how the 4th member will work out. I've heard what Ben can do, and he is very talented.
Is that the vid with the Bear again? xDDD From the little I have heard of their new stuff it does sound pretty good, and I am looking forward to it <3 However, I still do not know if I am happy about their being a new person >___> I personally do not think Greg is better than Joe >_> but then I don't think Joe was neccessarily better than Joe. They are both different. I know that bands grow and adapt and progress and all that jazz, but I am still clinging on to the InMe that I have followed and loved for years xD; Time will tell I guess.