Injured Animals~

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by N, Aug 16, 2007.

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  1. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    After the beautiful colt Barbaro was put to sleep, I began to wonder: Do some greedy owners of animals put animals down because they don't see a profit in one? Many racehorses who are injured at the track seem to not be given a second chance. Instead of being put to sleep, why not be taken to someone who'll help them? I know not all animals can be saved, but the ones that can have the chance to survive.

    Do you think that some animals are overlooked when they could have been helped?
    Many racing fans were heartbroken when they heard Barbaro was put to sleep (I don't remember the exact date), and non-racing fans as well.
  2. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    that is awful and yes they do desver to be given a second chance
  3. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    Yes, animals - including the racehorses - need to be given a second chance. I was utterly enraged at that player who held dog fights. It was cruel to the animals. And, I was listening to a radio show and got disgusted when a man said basically that animals are dumb, ruthless beasts. That is NOT true. Animals have feelings and a mind, I say that they learn a lot of things we may never know unless we stay in nature 90% of our lives.
  4. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    sooo true i fell hiting people like that they piss me off so much
  5. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i think there needs to be more animal rights. i mean, no one would EVER dare to "put down" a crippled human. so why should they kill an animal?
  6. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    I agree totally. Humans have more rights than animals do. So, why can't we be the same about animals? There are many people who love animals but never step up to help them. Here's a couple of reason why I think animals are shunned:

    1. Animals can't talk. Well, I mean, they're animals. But because they don't talk people calm they dumb, useless, stupid, etc.
    2. Animals aren't like people. They don't hate, they don't carry grudges. They are easy to manipulate, even though they will fight back after a while.
    3. Because animals don't talk, do mathematics, and all the things we do, they think it's okay to shoot an animal in the head because of they aren't as 'smart' as we are. But, think about it. Why do we shoot supposedly rogue animals when we need to really shoot a rogue person? I'm not being cruel or anything, but it's the truth. We don't neseccarily have to kill the person, but why don't be a little stricter to them like we are with animals?
  7. Repliku Chaser

    One would think that if an animal brought some people money, the least they could do is spend some of it on the animal's life, ensuring if the animal is okay to live, it has a good remaining existence and all. People that think animals are just there to be used however they want to are lame and ought to be put down like Barbaro. If the animal could have lived fine, it should have been let to. I'm sure if they had put up Barbaro for sale, someone would have bought the horse, even if it would never 'race' again.
  8. saxoR_vs_aroS Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 1, 2007
    Take a wild guess.
    i agree with repliku.

    they shouldve sold barbaro. why put him down... just because he wont race? he still could live.... yeah.
  9. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    That's what I think Barbaro's owner should have thought. Or, they could have put him to stud so his foals could grow up and become racers and carry on his lineage instead of ending his life.
  10. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    The sad truth is, most farm owners are very much non caring of the animal's existance. They will kill it if need be for any reason, moral or not.
  11. ShadowMancer King's Apprentice

    Exactly. I guess some people in this world are too greedy and overlook things ttoo much.
  12. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    I used to help at a horse sanctuary and one of the horses was a beautiful hunter. He had been thrown out to wander in the road because he had gone blind through a genetic defect and so was useless for racing. He retired to the santuary and after a lot of tender loving care learned to trust. He gives rides to children and adults, though he has to trust them first.
  13. Star_Seeker King's Apprentice

    Jun 2, 2007
    Good question...
    I agree completely. Although, sometimes animals, usually racehorses, can get injured so badly that they can't expect to be healed. So they live the rest of their life in pain. At that point, it would be a kind act by the owner to put them down.

    I don't know much on Barbaro's case, but wasn't everyone sad when he was put down? Including the owner? There were probably other options, but maybe the owner cared so deeply that he didn't want Barbaro to continue like that. Look on the bright side, he's in a better place now.

    *shrugs* Otherwise, you're right. Animals deserve to be treated with the respect they deserve!
  14. ShadowMancer King's Apprentice

    You did? wow, there really is hope for this cruel world. So... beautiful... *sniff*
  15. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    Oh, the poor horse. I want to start a horse sanctuary and actually take in horses and even some horses that aren't injured and take loving care of them.

    I feel that animals also don't get that much love in business. At this stable I was riding at, I was taking lessons for jumping, and the gelding I was riding on was tired. When I went into his stall, I could tell he wasn't feeling well. It was over 100 degrees outside and it was burning up (I was wearing breeches and tall black boots, and it's quite uncomfortable in the hot sun) and when I tap him with my crop, he'd lift up his back leg. My riding instructor told me to get at him with the crop, but I wouldn't do it because I knew the horse was going lame and if I push him we would have an accident. I don't ride at riding schools anymore because they don't really care about the horses like they should, which breaks my heart.
  16. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Sadly most people think animals are wothless dumb creatures, that we are higher beings to them and that we can do what we want to them. We think this because we can 'talk' and that we have math and all those other things. The fact is though, they may not have math and science or speak our language but in many ways they are better than us.

    Okay, don't take that the wrong way please, but it is true, how long have we wanted to fly? yet birds can do it without even thinking about it. They can do somethig we can't yet we don't care, but when we can do something they can't we think we are superior.

    It's sad how many animals are mistreated and how so many are losing there natual habitats, how many are put down simple because someone dosen't want them. I really wish people would stop to think for a moment what they are doing, but I really doubt they will.

    by the way, I'm not at "kill all humans because we suck, animals are better" kind of person, although I do think we f***ed up alot and we are still screwing up.

    now I have no idea if that made sence to anyone but yea, those are my opinions, I have alot more...but I'm to lazy to type them out
  17. RPGgamer Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2006
    between dark and light
    A lot of humanity has treated animals cruelly and not like how some would like it. I heard that they stuff kitties into bottles... I don't know if that's a lie or not, but I heard it goin around my school. They put racehorses to sleep if no use from what SilentNocturne has said. Humanity will always be cruel to animals, and there may be no way to save them. Humanity is imperfect with flaws, some people cover these flaws with barbaric ways, of anger, hate, or rage. Humanity won't stop what it does to cover it's flaws, and not much could change that outcome. (no clue how that got in here) but I agree that we are treating animals cruelly ><
  18. Repliku Chaser

    The kittens in bottles thing may be referring to Bonsai kittens which was just an internet joke and not real. It was a play on how kittens are very malleable and can fit into things because they are so. If people do that for real, they are pretty stupid and cruel. There are quite a few 'shock' sites out there of various sorts where people fake things. There is even one on cannibalism and selling of human meat products, but it's all for gags by bored college students that would not do it for real. It's just cheesy shock entertainment to not be taken seriously.

    Yes, some people are very cruel but I think more and more people are being awakened to the fact that animals occupy the world with us and merit their places in it all as well. Otherwise, we would not have animal cruelty agencies, police departments, and also shelters that are ran by people who have the money to fund such things from their own pockets. We aren't all bad. Just some are and others are indifferent but we can work on that by showing our compassion for the animals and the best way to make change is to live by example and pass it on to our children someday. The numbers of us who care will grow if we keep doing that, even if progress is slower than we all might want.
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