I've heard of it, rather would listen to The Devil Wears Prada or Bring Me The Horizons. Inhale Exhale is not as popular as them, like Eyes Set To Kill.
Ehhhh I don't really like them in all honesty. They aren't bad but they aren't exactly omfgorgasmicfantasticamazing. Since when does popularity have anything at all to do with talent? Especially now days. p.s Bring Me The Horizon has no "s" at the end >>
I make that mistake all the time. *facepalm* Good point, talent is hard to find a lot of the time through music.
xD it's ok, I have a friend who does the exact same thing every.single.time. In many ways now, it is usually the less well know bands who have a bigger talent, or at least that is how it appears to me. A fanbase can ruin a band.
On the flip side, I have a habit of being reluctant to check out a popular band because almost all the huge acts are no talent sell outs. Its because lesser known bands don't let the record companies make all the decisions.