Visiting one of the hospitals up here. May move here, depending on whether or not that they say yes to the heart transplant? What should I see here (already went to Hollywood)?
Go and find a your most hated celebrity's house, stand out of there gate, don't worry, body guards cant do anything OUTSIDE of the gate, and scream outside why this celebrity sucks and why everyone should hate him/her. I guarantee you will be talked about on the local news the next morning, now get to it buster!
If I would visit any house, I'd visit Charlie Sheen's (okay,and John Cooper's house, but I hold respect for Cooper so I'd try to say hello and be nice). I don't even really dislike Sheen all that much, and I don't like Two-And-A-Half-Men; the only role I liked him in was in Scary Movie 3. He's just so crazy that it's starting to really amuse me. I want to hear him say something like "Drinking tiger blood" or "winning!!".