I just got a signed Sherlock Holmes 2 poster. A Happy Birthday wish from Robert Downey Jr himself. ...My life is complete even further. *prays Kelly+Cat won't try to kill me to steal it*
Vlog. *cough* And yes, I definitely shall. Pics and Vlog even. Maybe... or just a Vlog lol (coming soon for sure) And oh yeah, of course Cat too... she would literally hunt me down for this. lol
No blowing involved. XD lol My Step-Dad works on the films lol *cough* I helped out on the first one (uncredited). *cough* If anything my Step-Dad did the blowing, but I'd prefer not to imagine that scenario... -_-; lol Sorry, missed this earlier, it was my birthday a while ago. But when RDJ found out I'd had it already, he was pretty much like. "Happy late Birthday!" XD
You should get that cough checked out my friend. Sounds very bad to even affect your typing ability. Oh yeah, the Sherlock Holmes films were filmed at Pinewood Studios weren't they, my mate worked over this summer on some film there and mentioned that they were doing Sherlock 2 at some point. Good on ya, mate. And I presumed you either blew someone, had an illness or won a competition. I took the one option which was least offensive and Funniest!
You've got it, in Pinewood lol. I'm hoping by the time work on the third one starts, my work there will be official. That could hopefully be the first film I work on officially! C: (I know I've got the job, just dunno when it starts or which film I'll start on) :P Meanwhile, as for the cough, I am actually ill right now. But yeah lol Getting better XD Also, ask your mate if it was 47Ronin. I'm just curious as I remember that was one of the things they were doing in the summer at Pinewood.
Working at Pinewood must be pretty good, had a tour there years ago, big place with lots of facilities. Hey, you could work on the next Bond film, now that would be a great experience and something to put on a CV. : p What'd you actually do there? Not a runner, are you? I think he mentioned it was a 'dark remake' of something. Might of been Snow White, he mentioned something about helping out on the Woodcutter's costume. Or something we were at the pub and he was a little excited as a result of some Magners.
I was actually scheduled to be on the bond film like next month, but that never worked out. They needed more experienced people with this one and they couldn't cover it or something like that. With this job though, I'd be starting as an apprentice and working my way up. I believe the work is with camera's, albeit, I'm not sure if that refers to transportation/assembling them or what. lol As to what I did before, it was just mainly set making stuff and shizzle. Small stuff, nothing big. XD Will do! ;)