
Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Clawtooth, Jun 19, 2008.

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  1. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    I think we should discuss a much talked about and debated topic in today's society: Immigration.

    As for my opinion I will start us off.

    I believe that Immigration is a good thing in moderation. In the 1830s to the 1930s many people from Britain and other countries Immigrated to places like the U.S.A, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India. Likewise many people Immigrated to Britain from Russia, Italy and Ireland. This is a good thing because we now, thanks to other people coming from India, China, Italy etc have a very varied culture and society. Recently a survey was conducted that found the Britain's favourite food was Curry, a food which would not have been available without migrants from India, China, Thailand and Pakistan etc coming into our country. Also many cultures have brought their religion with them so that many, in the past, predominantly Christian towns now have Synagogues and Mosques.

    However, if too many people come into a country from other countries it just seems to become a province of that other country. The country begins to lose its cultural identity. The language starts to fail and all that jazz. I do also believe that it is now becoming more difficult for a British person to get a job because of people from Poland etc being more willing to work longer hours for a smaller wage. I am not a racist (unless you have seen Avenue Q) but I don't see why they need to come here anyway. The way our economy is going I seriously doubt that those people coming to Britain now will see that the grass is greener and that they will see that there is no point to it. In fact the economy in their home country seems to have better hope than ours at the moment and it looks, to me, as if they will have a better time getting work and money there.

    That is my opinion on the issue, what is yours?
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Since there are multiple debates that go on, a debate of the month idea would not work here. Of course, this is welcome to here to debate on the actual topic you've brought up so I'll leave it but just keep it in mind that there can be several debates going on in a month's time so feel free to post your own debates on various subjects.

    Immigration to me is both a good and a bad thing, for the reasons you mentioned.

    As a good thing, it is pretty well how the U.S. was founded and continues to this day to grow. Though we have an issue with 'illegal' immigration, most people here would not say legal immigration is at all a bad thing unless people are bringing with them some nasty things that are meant to collapse society. Also, having multiple cultures around can liven things up and you can go to some areas and see the culture instead of having to go overseas to. We get more foods, dances, drinks, music etc this way.

    The bad thing is that some people who immigrate expect societies to forcefully adjust to them to their rules they had where they came from. i.e. respecting a marriage with 4 women because where the person is from does but where they are going only recognizes a marriage union between two people. Also, sometimes the people are very arrogant and will say others around are garbage even though they have chosen to move to the society. Also, immigrants that are illegal do not pay taxes and help society at all and if they get sick, they are getting every care for free. Some also die because of being injured on crummy low paying corp jobs and they are useless so homeless. What a crap way to go.

    So there are positives and negatives to it. I would hate to see it stop altogether though because having a world where we have options to find our desired country to live in etc is a great thing.
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