Digital Art i'm trying

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Trigger, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time

    to improve my hand at typography but spoilers: IT AIN'T WORKIN'
  2. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Honestly, I like the text as much as your other stuff. I've seen worse from you in that regard, but this is nice and simple.

    Personally, tricked out text =/= amazing graphics.
  3. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Bro, text is like textures. Sometimes you gotta saturate it, overlay it, duplicate it and dabble in some smudge, transparent it, et cetera. Much like the art piece, so is the process of the text a work of art in itself. Let it flow and make it feel right.

    That aside, I do like the piece, very vivid and almost like one is looking in a static like tv screen. Sexy as always.
  4. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    I don't like it. Your colors are great, they set a good tone and work for the piece. Problem is those lines. I don't like the sharp transitions between stocks as it is. I makes it look choppy. The text helps mitigate that but I'm not sure if moving it, changing the font or just messing more with it will actually help connect the images more. You might have been going for the choppy flow though. I dunno, I just don't like it. If I were fixing it I'd be probably somehow extending some elements from each stock into the next. Maybe a light source held in common or physically copying or drawing more background. Eh, I dunno. I wish I could say more but this isn't really my forte.
  5. Sketchy Moogle Assistant

    Jan 12, 2013
    Right behind you.
    I like the idea, though I personally feel the execution is lacking. I like the text, I'd either leave it the same or add a very subtle shadow beneath it. Probably something with an opacity of 25% or less. As for how the images are divided, I think you could have done better; it looks very choppy to me. Something that could be done is to have the two larger heads side-by-side, either almost touching or barely touching each other, though you'd have to make it look seemless. As for the bottom guy, don't cut off the top of his head but instead blend it into the top-half of the image. But if the choppy look is intentional, then great.
    I like the idea of this image, but the lack of seemless blending does not appeal to me.
    Overall though, it has more good than bad :)