for now I'm gone. From the site and its Discord anyway. I think this has been a long time coming. I want to say it's for good, but I'll probably come back at some point. No reason to get sappy so I won't (plus I don't want to type up something long on a phone). I'm sure I'll see y'all on KHV's various social media accounts. Most of you already know how to contact me off-site and those who don't but want to can probably find a way. I'm pretty open to anybody on social media. So....bye for the foreseable future, KHV.
I'd say bye but...we haven't spoken on KHV or the server for a while. I'll just go back to texting you or bothering you on facebook or something. But for dramatic effect...
Jeff, it's been wonderful, dude. Thanks for being a good friend and fellow co-worker and I'm gonna miss ya. Make sure you come back and visit when ya can <3
Just because someone's leaving doesn't mean that there's #drama you missed, lol. He just has IRL stuff that needs his focus right now.
We never had a chance to get to know each other, but you're a treasured member of the community and I hope you come back at some point.
Aww man, I'm sorry to see you go. Nevertheless, I understand your reasons, and I wish you the best. If you ever decide to come back and rejoin staff, I will definitely vouch for you. Take care!
As one of the earliest members I've interacted with, to you I say; its been an interesting journey. I know you have a lot in mind for the future. I'll still reach you off site now and again. I salute you, good sir. Take care :)
I will always love you, dude. Forever. <3 Much romance, very love. All the memes. But really though, Farewell, homeslice. See you when I just creepy stalk your facebook and stuff.