I'm sorry... I'm out.

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Anase, Mar 29, 2007.

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  1. Anase Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 8, 2007
    Somewhere close yet somewhere far...
    Not out of kh-vids of course! Everyone here rocks. it's just... today something happened. I got suspended from school... for doing nothing... it's truly amazing how immature and heartless everyone at my school is. You ever see one of those teen movies where the entire class singles out just one kid and chants about it?

    That's what happened today.

    We were supposed to carry some boxes of stuff and other crap for our groups in cooking class. I and one other girl, who is completely good friends with everyone and I mean EVERYONE in that class, didn't do it. That girl was plain lazy. I wasn't even in a group, because as I said from my earlier thread, I can't work with anyone who is two-faced and rude. and its like that in all of my classes.

    The teacher came up to me and was like "You need to put your books down and carry a box for your group." I wasn't in a group to begin, I told her and everyone huddled around is and saying things like:

    "Yeah, she doesn't do anything." "She just sits there and ignores us." "She's ******ed, that's why she doesn't do crap." "Yeah, she's stupid."

    :eek: you b****es!!! You're the ******ed ones! I'm not stupid, I'm smarter than you. I can draw, I can type fast, I can do all those things that I'm good at while you spend your school time doing your friend's hair and talking on your cellphones and making other people feel bad! To make it worse, the teacher tried to snatch my sketchbook away and said she'll throw it away if I don't get my act together. WHAT ACT?!!?!?!? I'm not doing anything, it's the b****es around you! The teacher didn't even told them off or anything. she just let them talk sh** on me.

    I'm doing my thing, remaining calm and ignoring them but.... the chanting was too strong. The teacher then suspended me and I was like. "Fine, it's better than being in here." There were cheers like "Yay, the b**** is gone!" "Get out of here you witch!"

    As I was walking to the coordinator's room, I began crying. Not an all out bawl, just silent tears. That made me mad. I didn't even know I was crying til I felt something go down my cheeks and then it hit me. it just shows how weak I am. I was surrounded. Even if I were to ignore them and laugh it off or fight back... there's just too many.

    I'm so sorry everyone. I'm being completely emo and depressed on this. And I'm sorry for being so weak. I know you guys said to just ignore them and to not let them ruin my life... but... I just can't do it. I'm sorry...

    Here's the plan: My mom is signing me out of school. too many years I've put up with this crap and still can't handle it. She said I should try to get a G.E.D. at least. I will... it'll be better than getting a diploma in that hell hole. by doing this, I've let them win.

    I'm sorry.
  2. Daydreamer

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    Oh, no.
    Don't think of it as running away. School is a learning environment, if you can't think of anything else than the classmates who bug you, its a good thing your leaving. But don't give up on school, okay?
  3. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    You're not weak.
    You're not emo....unless you wanna be.
    Do what you want, live life the way you want.
    And um......
    SH00p D4 WHOOP!
  4. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Nah, no one deserves to go through that when trying to get an education. What a horrible institution.

    We're all here for you on the forum! =D

    I hope things will get better for you soon!
  5. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    You're the better person here becuase you didn't show them full on that they had gotten to you, if it was me, I would have hitten a few people then ran out of school, so don't put you're self down, there the losers not you, so keep you're hopes up kid.
  6. John S. Banned

    Dec 9, 2006
    Wow, judging from your post its easy to see why everyone makes fun of you, You think your better then everyone? what gives you the right to call someone two faced, oh well you will probably learn more later in life.
  7. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    You are by far the best person there. You proved this by not lowering yourself to their level. No one deserves that treatment. Whatever happens we're all right behind you. Good luck whatever you choose to do.
  8. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    Good grief wtf. It's just not possible how someone should have to go through this type of bullcrap. Girl, I am way, way sorrry.

    And you're not weak - the fact that you put up with thier immature attitude for years, that shows you've got some strong guts.

    Try and look at it like this; all the bad you're going through now, will surely lead you to something good in the end. Have faith! We're all here for you! <3
  9. Mr. Van Whippy ♥ Biscuits and cookies

    Jan 5, 2007
    On the road
    Don't quite school. It might seem horrible but you must be strong.

    Don't listen to them. Ignore them that's what i do. Trust me i've been through things like that many times. Like today. A classmate told me i am a nothing. A complete nobody. I almost cry and i was in a bad mood but i decided to be strong and ignore him.

    So when people say things like that to you just ignore them. It's hard i know but it helps. As soon as they start talking think of the people who love you and are important to you. You shouldn't care about them. You can also be sarcastic. That's what i do. Make fun of their outfits or things that they don't know. Like "where do you live? Are you from Mars or something" It sounds bad and maybe stupid, but they deserve it and sometimes it works. And something weird. It works for me. I think of Kingdom hearts and the kidness in Sora's heart.

    I hope you feel better soon. :)
  10. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
  11. Anase Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 8, 2007
    Somewhere close yet somewhere far...
    Thanks again everyone... and john s.

    I don't think I'm better than them. I'm just stating what they are like and what they do in the middle of their education. Come on, for years I've seen it and I know how they work yet I could never use it against them. Now I'm being spiteful.

    Oh well... my mom is gonna go out of town for two weeks I guess and when she gets back, we're gonna look into some programs that'll help me get my education done without having to put up with... them. Private school maybe? I dunno, we'll see... god, I could use some chocolate right about now... oh no, I will not eat my depression away... that's 5 pounds extra... brr...
  12. Mr. Van Whippy ♥ Biscuits and cookies

    Jan 5, 2007
    On the road
    I read it carefully. If you can't understand what i'm saying....... whatever. And i always read before i post. :rolleyes:
    Again i hope you get better.
  13. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    You're really too good for them. All of them. This kinda crap REALLY pisses me off... >.> I hope you lead a long, and happy life in spite of those biznotches.

    *is too steamed to say anything else* >.>
  14. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    That sucks... I have never been suspended from school...yet.

    But I was expelled from the bus last year, for throwing some kid's math book out the window and breaking some guy's windshield. >.>;

    Anyway like I said before, don't let this crap get to you. People are often suspended for things they didn't do and fights they didn't start...
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