FF characters in Dissidia (im assuming thats the argument) and Firion is good, better than Zidane, but Gabranth beats them both
I actually have to agree with this, Zidane is much better than Firion but Vivi is still better than everyone xD
If it's Dissidia your on about then it's the player > the AI. Characters mean nothing, it's the player that prefers one to the other xD I know, but it's still a valid point.
Terra > Tidus > Squall > Everyone else. Most of the villains are so over-powered, it's not funny. Especially Jecht & Sephiroth. Oh, and yeah, Firion > Zidane.
Firion is a Galapagos turtle. Zidane is a monkey. I think that just about settles it! BTW KEFKA > EVERYTHING
Original games? Agreed. Dissidia? Emperor > the universe. Where ">" means "will rule with an iron fist."
I think everyone who was a IX fan died inside when they heard Zidane and Kuja's voices. But in terms of original games Zidane > Firion but in terms of Dissidia they both are equal, considering one is the black power ranger with the pink power ranger's bow and the other is a sky rapist... and that whole thing about player preference.
I had heard that Zidane's seiyuu also did Edward Elric, so I was all hyped up for Vic Mignogna to do the English voice... then they stole it from him. Vic is one of my all-time favorites. ;_; And Kuja... Kuja doesn't have an English voice actor. Whatever that... thing is, it's not an actor.
Not sure that I couldn't ever care about the voices. Gameplay>voices all night long. Kind of like sex>talking.