I feel so annoyed at everyone and everything lately.I am so mad! Nobody ever cares about me anymore.I never even did anything to them. I cry myself to sleep almost every night because of how I've been treated. And then, I get alittle construtive critism and I think I'm so pathetic because it's online! Not like it's in real life. So I feel like a complete loser,I want to run away.From everyone and everything. And since I make no sense and frankly, don't want to cause more uproar.I thought I'd go because nobody would care anyway. Not for drama. Now I realize I don't think I should leave this site because I was going too, but there are just times I want to run away and hide in my little corner I have called home for so long, where a tissue will be there and a nice tea to relax me and a pillow I can lay on for everything will disappear, but it doesn't work. Someone is always after me.My family.My so called friends.It's so depressing, and then people who don't even know me tell me my writing is horrible, even if I know it's horrible..That's my specialty.I win awards for my writing and photography. I am not myself lately.And almost everyone can tell and when I come to the decision that they do care, I am always hurt and my friends are nice, but they are always fighting with each other and then I'm wrong cause I don't choose sides. I am so confused, when I get home and my mom is yelling at me so much because I need to work and I'm so stressed.My sister changes her attitude towards me on the flip of a dime and my dad doesn't take my side on things. When I ask for new socks I come off as ungrateful then my mom says I'm sorry and blames it on her period.no joke.
Okay... just something to say, it's normal to feel this way. Everybody has their up and downs in life, and they feel like they need to disappear for a while. That's how I feel sometimes too. Just step back for a little bit and rethink things over carefully. If you feel stressful and your house is full of contention, go take a walk around the block or go to the park to hang out for a while. Trust me, it clears your head and surprisingly helps you feel better. And if walks don't help, turn up the stereo and dance! :D Try to be the peacemaker around your family and don't fight back when somebody yells at you. It's hard to do this, but the person will stop yelling you less and less since they realize you don't react to it so much. Also try to be kind to your family. Not oober kind at first, just do small tasks. Like, secretly doing the dishes or some other chore that needs to be done around the house. Also, it's weird to say but, keeping a journal helps too. It helps you spill your emotions onto paper. Also you can take out your feelings on a flimsy sheet of paper! Most of all, think positive. Good times or bad times, neither one of them lasts. These emotions will pass eventually and you'll gradually see yourself change the way you want to be. It probably seems impossible and like it will never happen, but never say never! If you need someone to talk to, we're all here for you. :D
dude muffin. Even if that was intended as a smartass remark, come on. Look Famous, you have my stance on this from earlier.
Just step back from everything and be who you are and don't be wgat others tell you to be. To relax listen to music, do your favorite hobbies, or play a sport to get the stress out.
Thank you, and the truth is you're 100% right! If I dance or sing it makes me feel better. Thanks for the help.(: Maybe I won't leave and hide away after all. I'm happy to think I'm normal and not the only one to ever feel this way. Your the best. That walk sounds good right now..but its way to cold.:( I'll try the chore stuff. That will make things better no doubt. Um.I think I should be the peacemaker.It will be a challege no doubt. I have a way of being a control freak and when people push me around I tend to freak a bit. Especially from my mom. Thanks much (: I'll do that! It always makes me feel better when I golf or play games.(: Thanks shades and I hope you except my apology.:)
Aww hun <3 I know it must be really tempting to just go and hide away from the world for a while, trust me, Ive been there and done that, and it just makes it worse, and I did it and went through a very emo/suicidal stage O.O You need to throw yourself back into life. Forget everything that happened before and start again. Do the stuff you love doing. Ignore those so called friends and find new ones. Be polite as possible to your family - I know it'll be tedious but it'll pay off in the end. You will only get on with them better. Be neutral - don't rise to arguments. See the people you truly love and stay away from those mean b*tches who put you down. You shouldnt have to take sides in fights. But if you do, choose the side you KNOW in your heart is right, forget the people on that side. get on top of your work, don't let silly things like work weigh you down. Stay positive inside and eventually it will rub off. Please stop calling yourself a loser, its only going to lower your self esteem. I hope you feel better <3 Im glad you decided against leaving here.
Thanks Obsessed<3 Your getting to sound alot like CtR XDD I like how everyone is calling me hun<3 xDD I am going to try to follow your advice.
you all give very good advice and i do belive that there are a lot of people who cares about you... i think all the people here are the proof...don't worry...we support you!
Hey Famous, I know exactly what your going through. Life is very complicating. I never got the chance to talk to you on the forums, because I just joined KH-Vids. What I can tell you is that a lot of people are defiantly in your position. In life people are either caring or not. My advice to you is just staying strong. Just know who you are as a person. If you're happy with yourself that's all that really matters. I've done a lot and got critised for certain situations. For an example, I've made videos that I thoguht weren't that bad and sometimes I'll get that one person that will say I'm a loser and that I suck. I defiantly react from comments like that. I've learned that reacting, doesn't help and sometimes it can make things worst. Sometimes being the good person can feel a bit crappy. Here's another example. Yesterday a girl in my class was talking about some personal matters at school to a bunch of the other students in my class. Anyway, I asked her a question about it and she flipped out and said "Mind your own business. Get back to your own work and shut the hell up." I'll leave it at that. There's was a lot more that she said in that sentence, but I'll keep it member friendly. So, what I can tell you is that the comment made me feel awful. I wanted to say "It wouldn't be my business if you weren't discussion it to the class." Well, I didn't say that. You mentioned problems with family and friends? No matter what, your family will always love you. There may be rough times, but you have to also remember who cares for you. In any case, friends come and go. If you have friends now that care for you, then it's obvious you have good friends. If they are making you side and you don't want to get involved, then don't bother. It's obvious that they are acting immature about the situation. What ever the case is, try to move on and have fun. Take care Famous.
Wow thanks. You truly understand what I'm going through, espcially with my friends and family. It's a shame that we haven't gotten to talk. Nice to meet you Mike(: