So I was talking to some of my cosplayer friends... we set each other an instant challenge where we had to come up with an easy to do and cheap cosplay for the next Expo. It doesn't mean we will actually do it... but we had to come up with something at least. Anyway... my idea was surprisingly popular and so... I am now seriously tempted to get some Heart Shaped Boxers, get the right wig (or plain grow my hair again)/the horns, and take a simple pillow to just go to an anime expo as Vincent from Catherine. Simple Cosplay, but would be fricking epic. XD
That would require, shall we say, blue balls of steel, and a self-refuelling ice pack for your crotch. I mean, think of all the cosplay girls! And some of the guys even! We saw that Tali cosplayer and she was the sexiest thing to have ever been completely covered from head to toe! As for my own... I can pretty much do this with things I have lying around my room.
I still remember when that cat girl shoved my face into her chest... if I had been Vincent at that time... well. Danger would ensue XD Being Ichigo, it was easier to hide going Bankai so to speak. *bad pun is pun* But damn, that cat girl was hot. XD