I wanted Doughman to kill them, but they're great to watch. Just as Simon Cowell said, I wouldn't like to hear them on the radio. Here, have a Jedward badge. We won't we won't ROCK YOU!
They're arrogant and they can't sing but damn, they're lulzy. People at school are raging that Lucie lost to them because she used to go to my school. xD
I think the news papers are getting to them...they feel guilty because they're there and Lucie's not. The Poor souls....how many people would have the guts to get up in front of millions and sing? not many...I say good on them for Trying I feel so sorry for them...they look so sweet and kinda lost XD
I HATE them. They suck at singing. They suck at their song choice. And worst of all.... THEY HAVE DEMYX'S HAIR!!!! :/8D:
Not all got in though did they? I think people need to let them get on with it....they wont win and they probably know that...but let them try atleast.