No. I was killed by a guy with a spork. A shameful death indeed. Sweet. Guess I don't need to see any specialists after all.
I feel like I was missed :'D I once pictured a cartoon stomach with a face and everything and had a fight with it mentally because I said 'my stomach hates me' durring a bad stomach ache. So apparently everything can talk.
I only just came back too. I did miss you! I read that and thought of someone punching their stomach.
No. I've been back but more as a lurker besides a few posts here and there, mainly in the rp section. ...<.< >.> I'd never do that. Only crazy people do :D.
I find that the continue to talk even if I eat them. But what really shuts them up is covering them in custard. But if you enjoy their insights of the world then feel free to save your custard for your other "friends"