I'm not happy with my body.....

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Kannira the wolf, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. Kannira the wolf Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 4, 2008
    Gilneas City, Gilneas.
    (If this is in the wrong place or if this is against the rules, please lock.)

    Many say I am being too negative and too insecure, and I might be.

    I don't think I am the least bit pretty. Many have said I was "hot" or "beautiful", but I don't believe them.

    I weigh about 135 pounds. I am 4'8, and almost 14. I am quite chubby, with many curves, huge thighs, a large butt, and an abnormally large chest.

    I look in the mirror, asking myself why I was created like this.

    I already tried going to the gym and going on diets, but they never seem to work.

    I even bought a bikini to try to make myself look better, but I just look even worse.

    Can someone help me feel NOT so negative about myself? I am tired of living this way, but I can't even think of anything POSITIVE to say about myself....
  2. NarutoSuperKubii Chaser

    Aug 6, 2008
    Well all i can say is that it really doesnt matter how you look.

    But for the exersising try running 5 to 7 miles a day
  3. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Well first of all, you might not have hit your growth spurt yet. You usually gain some weight before you do, and then you quickly grow a few inches, and it all balances out. It could just be body-type. If your parents are short and a bit chubby, then you might be too.
    I used to be very insecure about my weight too, and here's some easy things you can do:
    When you're eating, put down your fork after each bite. Chew the food 10-12 times, swallow it, then take another bite. It beats shoveling it into your mouth and you'll feel fuller faster. When you eat quickly you tend to over-eat, then that leaves you bloated.
    If you can, take a walk at night after dinner. On the mornings of the weekend, try to get out and walk, run, whatever -- you won't have eaten at this point and you'll be burning pure fat.
    Just in general, stop focusing on what you like about yourself. For example, I really love my eyes. I think they're the perfect chocolate brown. So look into the mirror and say "hot damn, my nose is GORGEOUS~!"
    In class, sit up perfectly straight for as long as you can. Don't lean on the back of the chair. This is an awesome ab workout, and better posture makes you look better. Even if you only do it for three minutes in each class, that can be about a half an hour of exercise.
    Look at calorie content, too. Don't be obsessed over it, but if you normally have let's say a burger for dinner, don't eat the bun.
    Oh, and cut back on soda, that stuff can make you gain five pounds every year.

    Those are easy things you can do if you want to improve your body, but you're never going to be stick thin, I'm sorry. Start to love yourself. High self-confidence can get you so many places.
    The way you dress has a big part on your body-image, and if you need fashion tips and you'd like to look like a frump-meister I'm here. <3
  4. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    What every girl like us worries about. You have a good body and there is some guy/girl that'll like you the way you look but you should find someone who likes you for your personality.
    I know most guys care about looks but you could try eating soups, wheat sandwiches and skim milk for food and try walking for 30 minutes a day at your own pace and when you feel like increasing it increase it.
    set small goals for yourself like 10 pounds for every two months and set yourself an reward at that goal like a fruit roll up or a laffy taffy
  5. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    As Misty said, it may just be your body type. And really, 135 isn't bad at all. That's normal weight for a 14 year old. You grow in to it. Often it's not a result of anything you've done, but genetics. Very very few people stay 4'8" forever. ;D
  6. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Erm, in my opinion, you're way too young to even be worrying about your appearance. You should probably just forget about it, and stop focusing on all the negatives.
  7. Darkcloud Word of advice: Let the wookie win. He's Chuck N

    Dec 6, 2006
    What Misty and Luna are saying are right on. When I was 14, I was about 5'5, and around 205 lbs. As soon as I hit 15, though, I started to hit a growth spurt. I'm now 6'3, 215 lbs, and fairly skinny. Genetics, as they said, might be a factor in this, if your parents are skinny, but if you really feel that bad, try doing some simple excercises (something fun, like jumprope or yoga, something easy but challenging, or maybe some running/walking), and watch what you eat. Eat til you're not hungry anymore, but at the same time don't eat til you're stuffed, either. That helped me out a lot when I had to start excercising again after some problems came up, and sidelined me.
  8. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    I don't think anyone has the magic words for you to automatically feel good about yourself, we're all just stating the usual. 135 pounds is a pretty good weight (sure beats the hell outta 90's, -_-; ) and going to the gym is good, but I say screw diets.

    Sorry to say, only you can make yourself anything. People can't help others without their acceptance, that's not help. You gotta fix any self-esteem problems on your own.......... okay, maybe a little encouragement from other people. So, here's my big piece of advice:

    Get over it, will ya'?
  9. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    4 '8" for a 13 year old does sound normal because I was too and the older you get while in your teens your metabolism will rise eventually losing the weight
  10. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007

    Nobody is ever pleased with their bodies, heck even I have flaws which I would kill to get rid of. I can't even wear a bikini because I have a hard time finding one that fits my chest and my butt. I'm nearly underweight, but I have a large chest and I get very self conscience when I can't find clothes that fit me and when people won't shut up about it, (I have half a mind to report my managers).

    Even with that, I still try to get the most out of life, and so should you, you can't let a few insecurities get away with how you live.