well since i became grade 6-a i began to think that I'm boring, well since i am a shy girl and doesn't know how to make friends and i just got my friends when they came near me. After we graduate almost everyone in my class (especially my best friends) are going to transfer to other schools - well I think I'm going off topic but my point is maybe when i graduate I'll have no friends to be with.... and also I think I bore my friends to death when we're alone since we have different interests like my other friend likes Glee (and I don't watch Glee )while I like anime and manga and that friend doesn't even know manga she thinks It's a mango (in our language "mangga" means mango). What will I do? :(((((
Sounds alot like me when i moved to high school i watch alot of anime and stuff most people in my school don't know what japanese anime is , i don't speak much and a few of my friends came to my high school , i never really spoke i was mostly deep in thought then i just started making new friends , i miss most of my old friends but i still made new ones and just because you don't go to the same schools as your friends doesn't mean you can't speak to them out of school my point is try make new friends hope i helped Marcell.
Well, I can say I feel that way sometimes. :/ But hey, you just gotta work your way to get a little courage. It's hard, but you should at least try. The courage you get is worth the trouble, but don't be kapal. :3" About having different interests, maybe you should at least give it a shot. And if you already did, then find something else you like--or do what I do, keep her/him talking about it and try to have fun at the very least. There's a thin line between "fake smile" and "forced smile". Don't worry, you'll find friends soon. Just be careful of who you pick.
You'll be fine. Just find people who like anime and manga. A good way is to add people on Facebook, and then post an anime-related status. Alternatively, just chat to the people who sit next to you. Cliché or not, a club activity does help.