Like, today was hard enough for me personally, I had to say goodbye to pretty much all my friends in Chicago. Then the news about Zimmerman walking broke. Then I found out about Cory Monteith dying. I'm not as fond of Glee as I used to be, but something like this happening just terrifies me. Especially since it sounds like it was an OD, and my own mom is battling addictions right now and I'm just so scared for her and I wish I could hug her but it's another three days before I can... I'm sorry to vent, I just needed to get that off my chest...
We won't begrudge you that. I don't really have anything to say, I just figured it'd be good for you to know we're listening and paying attention when it needs to be paid.
Thank you, I really needed to hear that. I think I'm done talking tonight, I just need some sleep now and a clearer head to start processing everything. But again, thank you.
If you get a minute, maybe call her and talk to her about your thoughts? When people are fighting addiction, knowing someone is there caring about how you are and worried about you, it can give you the extra bit of strength to push through. If you have someone you can talk to now, give em a buzz. If not, give me a message if you want to talk, i'll be your ear. All the best, dear.