I just saw the last Doctor Who episode aired, so I'm finally caught up with the show again, and I can't believe what they did. I just want to tell the world, even if they haven't seen the show, and I can't. I MUST FIND A WAY TO VENT THIS!!!!!!!!
Ah, so basically the same as it's been the last couple seasons, I'll watch it whenever I finally get to it.
Finale was good, but a bit of a let down on my expectations. Looking forward to the 50th and then hopefully an even more amazing season this November ^^ /post-seasondelay
I know right? That was really amusing, and for a sec I thought he said something like "laze" or whatever. But considering how they ended it, do you think they'll do the next season about him before he took his title? Because I'm actually interested. And is that him when Gallifrey fell? I'm so confused about all of this stuff. And while it wasn't the greatest ending to a season, or a two-parter, I thought it was actually pretty cool, especially with how they did the villain, but than again, I'm not one for criticizing the show that much.
Apparently he's the official 9th Doctor, making Eccelston the Tenth, Tennant the Eleventh, and Smith the Twelfth.
Well, the main theory is he's the 9th incarnation (but not called the Doctor as that means he's meant to heal people which he obviously didn't do in this regeneration) so Nine (Eccleston) is still the ninth Doctor, Tennant is still the 10th and Smith is still the 11th. I heard this theory before the episode aired which kind of made it a little underwhelming, upon rewatching I thought it was brilliant but would kind of like to see the Silence arc properly wrapped up as no "silence fell".
I rewound that moment like five times thinking he said Lee. I almost lost faith in DW, all that buildup for Lee? Then it made sense, I caught that he was saying please, and all was right with the world once more.
What theory is out there that's making him the 9th Doctor? And does that mean that he used his real name in that incarnation, or it's just the incarnation that didn't go with the name, so......ah, I can't type this out. But seriously, where does it say he's the official 9th doctor?
Well, his clothing is similar to the 9th Doctor's, so I assume that John Hurt's incarnation of the Doctor is the incarnation during the Time War.
There is nothing explicitly saying he's the ninth doctor, this is just speculation at the moment but appears to be the best explanation to what has been seen. Here is an article talking of the possible theories but really we have no idea yet, we'll find out closer to the 50th anniversary. He may have used his real name in this incarnation or still be called "Doctor" but didn't deserve the title because of what he did, he "broke the promise" and didn't do it "in the name of the Doctor."