I"m going to sit down and watch Bridesmaids... No real interest in watching it; family rented it and stayed away from it. That is, until someone informed me that it was the worst movie they had ever seen. I hate myself so much right now. They say it's like The Hangover...didn't like that one much either... Enjoy my misery KHV.
Huh, I've actually wanted to see that for a while now ;.; I heard it's pretty funny actually, if rather raunchy.
Hmmm....so far, it's started out okay. Not big on the opening scene, but too many forced jokes. And our hero, Sally Sadsack (don't remember her name) is started to get annoying. It was nice to see a cameo from Terry Crews though.
I heard it was great O.o But then again, they also said, it's like the Hangover but the girl version... Good luck ^^ They'll be a pretend pin awaiting for you upon your return
Never said I hated the Hangover, just that I didn't like it. At least the Hangover had good editing, which this does not. And a lot of the dialogue feel so painfully awkward to watch. Trust me, I can enjoy a bad movie, as long as I can tell the people were at least trying.