I'm Going to Cry Now...

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by The Twin, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    For a tad bit of background info, I'm a sales rep at a local pool store. I've been working there for more than two years, and I had started as a cashier. My boss soon realized I had what he liked in a sales rep, and promoted me. I went from making minimum wage to $20/hour plus commision. It was fantastic.

    I went to work yesterday and before I got through the door I was hustled back out. Before I could say anything my boss goes "I'm sorry. Things have been way too slow here. I'm afraid you don't work here anymore."

    I got laid off. I didn't think that would happen, even though the economy isn't so great, especially since we had just started adding hot tubs into our inventory and were selling those like hotcakes. And our busiest time comes around Memorial Day, since everyone opens their pools that day and nine times out of ten something is wrong with it.

    Now, it wasn't just me who was laid off; I had been warned by a coworker that this was what was going on. There were maybe 10 people on our whole staff, including three managers. Now all that's left is those three managers. I think what'll happen next is my store will close for good if they can't keep staff on hand.

    I know I need to try to start looking for another job, but no one is hiring now and I go back to college in less than a week. I do have a small job on campus, but I only work weekends and the pay is $70/wk. And that job is only good while school is actually in session, so that does me no good over the four months of summer break I get. I was planning on using the money from the pool store to make a downpayment or deposit on an apartment and finally get out of here and be on my own. Now it doesn't look like that will be happening unless I can get another job that has the potential to pay as well as that one did.

    This is just driving me nuts. As if the economy didn't suck enough, I get dealt the worst hand I could possibly get. It's just enough to make me....grrrr...
  2. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Awtch...Tough luck, girl. Though I don't think I can say anything to help you.
    I do hope you find a new job soon. Good luck!
  3. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Don't give up, you'll find another job, just keep looking. Just me, I think your boss is a total jerk for not calling you, and making you come all the way to work, then to tell you you get laid off. That totally sux. Just keep looking for another job, even though this one didn't work out, there has to be another job somewhere...maybe ask your college teachers for ideas(blech), or your friends.
  4. Day~Dream Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 29, 2007
    Exploring the cosmos
    I'm really sorry that happened to you. All I can say is that I hope they start hiring soon.

    but haven't you ever thought about going somewhere else where they're hiring?
    not too far from where u live but u know.
  5. In_the_Twilight Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 1, 2006
    Toronto, Canada
    You could try something outside of retail. If there are any restaurants/pubs hiring nearby, you could see if waitressing/serving is your thing. Depending on the place, tips can be good :)
  6. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    I was looking at a craft store that was nearby, and one of my coworkers from the pool store is already working there and told me she'd vouch for me if I did apply there.

    I also thought about working part time as a translator at the hospital, but I'd end up shelling out a month's worth of pay just to take a certified Spanish medicine course. Because the way that works is I have to be certified to speak Spanish in a hospital setting. It's no different than having to take a driver's test or taking a CPR course.

    I'm just going to have to keep my eyes peeled, I guess.

    In_The_Twilight, I debated trying the food industry but with pay being $2.15/hr plus tips where I live, there's no way that's work. Never mind the fact that a tiny misunderstanding will leave you tipless, and let's not forget the dine-n-dashers. If that ever happened I'd have to pay for it out of my own pocket.

    I appreciate the help and don't want you to feel I'm bashing or anything, just saying that where I live working in a restaurant or pub wouldn't really work out.
  7. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    I"m so sory bout that.But,I know you can fnid another job with a decent pay.And it is harder to get a job because the economy is skrewed up.But,you should be able to find one.
  8. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    ...the ****? Isn't that like illegal o_o

    Good luck finding a new job hun, economy is in **** creek everywhere, the company I work for at one of my jobs is also going to be laying people off, but it wont affect my store yet, its lower down the chain they are removing first.

    ****ing sucks, especially since over there the government want to start soft punishments on those who don't have a job :/ if there are no jobs available how the hell are people meant to get them?

    Cheer up and keep smiling, things could always be worse, maybe taking on a low paid job for now would be better than nothing?
  9. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    Nope, waitresses/waiters get paid that as a minimum, the bulk of their pay comes from tips. And even then the tips have to be divided even further still.

    Do a little research on it, it's rather shocking.
  10. In_the_Twilight Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 1, 2006
    Toronto, Canada
    I guess it depends on what country/state/province you live in.
    In Toronto, Canada, the server minimum is $7.60. Obviously with the minimum you guys have, serving really wouldn't be worth it for you :(
    Hope you find something!
  11. Repliku Chaser

    Sorry to hear about the loss of a great job because the economy is in the ol crapper. :/

    I can make some suggestions to you though, as I've gone through the same thing at different points in my life.

    One is to go to the office where you'd fill out for unemployment. If you talk to a rep there, sometimes they can find you good jobs and give you referrals. They have a whole database there full of jobs and quite a few are sales jobs, at least around here.

    Another thing to try is a temp service. They suck, but sometimes they can provide you with a decent door opening into some businesses that otherwise you'd not find. Places like Manpower might be good spots to check and if they don't have jobs, you can always ask where a place might have sales entry position jobs.

    Try putting an application on Monster.com or some local area job site. People do surprisingly check them out and I've had a few friends get jobs through that method.

    I can totally understand your desire to not work for the food industry as it sucks. Perhaps you'll find something better soon. I hope you do and all goes well for you. That is a tough job to lose. It's so hard to find jobs that make that kind of money right now but you may get lucky if you try the things I've suggested here. Also, look in your local paper or online at local paper sites.