I've had the game for about a year and a half now, and played the story more times than I can count. Make sure you enjoy it
And then I get White 2 on Christmas. Anyway, I'll send my friend code later on so I can murder your Pokemon battle you guys
I'm going on a road trip tomorrow. I've been debating about getting white and diamond, but the only thing stopping me is that because I am a completionist in everything I do, I don't want to have to buy what is basically the same game twice, and then twice more with diamond (pearl and platinum) just to be able to fill the dex, then there's also the problem of legendaries, meaning I wouldn't even be able to have it full anyway, it's just too much to deal with.
White is the better game in general, and there is a few people on here with Black, and Platinum offers all 3 Version mascots, so I'd stick with those for now