Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Fearless, Nov 28, 2010.
What should I put on them?
Put them on potato chips. Then eat them.
I don't have any potato chips.
Pick your poison.
I read the title as turtle chips. I came in disappointed.
Don't have any of those either. This amused me more than it should.
Nutella because it makes everything tastes better. If you don't have Nutella then Peanut Butter.
Uh, cheese, ground beef, and sour cream?
I lol'd. At the pic, not at your cute words. Btw, the second one to the left goes good with Lays.
I dislike peanut-butter. I wish I had that stuff.
You don't even have cheese? D8
Tortilla chips, then make a tortilla chip sandwich (either with bread or tortilla chips)
Meh... just put sum good ol ketchup on it