So, I decide to put on The Ring to watch. A few minutes pass and the day nurse and the night nurse come in brief each other as they switch shifts. I don't have the remote for their blu-ray player, so I just keep the movie going, they ask me what I'm watching, so I tell them, and they start screaming. The two of them had come in during the part where they show the content of the video tape, which causes them to hurry through th briefing and scream every time they looked at the screen. As soon as they finished, they hauled ass out of my room. It took all of my focus to keep a straight face.
Of course I am. I'm the only person in the pediatric floor(because I was referred to the hospital by my old doctor, and they wanted to kee me consistent with peds or something) whole watch scary movies as well as watch a musical about crazed barbers almost every night.
the next time they draw your blood, replace the iv bag with ketchup when they aren't looking and splatter it at them.