Oh, I heard about this. Ohhh Mike and your Britney obsession... I suppose it might actually be better than UK X-Factor, at least you Americans can sing xD (Does Steve Jones still present it?)
Yes, bring the two psychopath chicks together to judge on a reality show. great work, corporate media!
If they gleefully murder/rape/do some really bad things to people the they are psychopaths. They are sociopaths.
*Reads thread title, thinking something bad has happened...* *...notices thread is about the X-Factor (facepalm)*
I'll be over here crying about something that matters. Like when the hell the demo for KH3D is going to be released.
Excuse you? Psyco chicks? Right... You know what's amazing? How they turned their lives around after everything that happened. "You wanna piece of me?"