IGN Interview with Tai Yasue (Spoilers)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    We've seen a lot of Tai Yasue this year and it doesn't stop how he will continue to answer our questions hinting as much as he can towards he future of Kingdom Hearts. This IGN Interview is no different as we hear the direction they took, the features that were installed, and the development process that came with the July release of Kingdom Hearts: Dream, Drop, Distance.

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jul 3, 2012.

    1. Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Hm hm. Interesting!! Thanks for the insider, I can't wait for the NA release for DDD! This interview makes me want to play it even more.

      Also, the whole interacting more deal seems really interesting! I wonder what the experience will be like.

      And I'm glad they have a game focused more on Riku.

      Too bad I spoiled the story for myself instead of waiting :c I'm sure playing the game will be 10x more excited than just watching the cutscenes though.

    2. Miles
      OH COME ON!!! Hide the spoilers!! That last comment just ruined it for me! >=(
    3. Knightshade
      Has it seriously been 7 years since KH Re:CoM?
      It's crazy how fast the years have gone by o.0
    4. Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Yeah it's been about 4 years for the US, 5 for Japan. But of course the process took longer, so it's been 7 years since he started working on it, and 5 years since it came out. Either way, time flies fast. I remember getting it just yesterday, when in reality it's been four years! Dang. Haha.

      I'm glad KH is finally progressing past KH2 though. Hopefully, kh3 will come out within 3 years and there will be no more fillers..
    5. lightbeliver3
      Sounds like a good challenge
    6. Leblonk
      Wait, so Sora doesn't become a Keyblade Master?
    7. Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Only Riku passes, Sora didnt. But I won't tell you why and why not. You'll have to wait. Also please refrain from posting spoilers out in the open. You'll make people upset. I suggest you edit your post a bit, you don't wanna give it away for those who don't know.
    8. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Pretty much the same information we've heard but... at least IGN is showing some interest.

      Thanks, Krowley.
    9. Krowley
      Most are aware already what happens at the end of KH3D, but for those who haven't, a spoiler tag is placed on the final question.
    10. Miles
      Too late for me! =(