Title says it all. What would you do for a friend. Would you go to extremes and kill yourself? or trample them for an advantage? Make your say.
I would destroy your self-esteem until your a puddle of tears and snot <3 Because best friends are SO nice like that.
I'd treat you to a nice dinner in a fancy restaurant, I'd order a steak and you would order the chicken. We'd share many laughs. We'd fall in love. And then, I would do the worst thing ever. Walk out and leave you with the bill while I snag a hooker. *looks in Emzy's general direction* Sorry, I was distracted by awesome.
I'd talk with you from time to time, rep you for funny posts and joke around occasionally, but keep you at a relative inconsiderate distance because thats as far as friendship goes on an internet forum. [/lol, depression]
Continue whatever else I do to meet new people. Hey, how are you? Lovely weather we're having, isn't it? Well, see you later, friend.
Iz would back brownies and stuff em in yer face till u die!!! ^^; jk jk! but I will make brownies and you will say that they're good *glare* or else... ^__^ haha
We'd eat chocolate all day then build a scary tunnel out of our hallucinations. We can put like, bugs crawling on people's faces and chickens getting their heads cut off.....but they're not making chocolate, no, they're just getting those chickens heads cut off.
We would hold amusing conversations about basically nothing for endless hours and drink hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows until you fall asleep... ... Then I'd shave one of your eyebrows and draw all over you in permanent marker :3