If you only knew how much I'm in love with you, it's so hard to sleep because you inspire me. I would shield you from hatred and release your happiness, I would even stand in front of thousands of bullets and protect you. If you only knew that my love is strong, strong enough to penetrate through the toughest metal, and big enough to reach the Sun in space. If you were to look up into the sky at night and look at the stars, and you told me to count them all, it would be impossible to count them just as it's impossible to describe how much I love you. If you only knew how much I wish I could make you laugh like our friends can, how much I wish I wouldn't become nervous when I talk to you, how much I wish........I knew you better. It's extremely hard for me to cry, I can sit at funerals without shedding a tear, but if I were to watch you cry......it would melt my heart down just as if it were lava. If you only knew how much you bring out the best in me, when I see you I become more energetic and more persuasive. I can become stronger and faster knowing that you're watching me, I become invincible when you're cheering for me! If you only knew how much you're eyes affect me, those crystal blue eyes could cut a mountain in half the instant you look at them because of how beautiful they are. You're innocence can easily overtake my own, you're more shy than I am and you hate conflicts and hurting someone's feelings, just as I do. If you only knew how much we're alike, we play musical instruments, we both have a goal in life that we want to achieve, we understand each other in most subjects we discuss with our friends. If I only knew how you are feeling about me right this minute after 6 months of bonding........If you only knew.......how I'm feeling right this minute after 4 years of loving you. I wouldn't say it's a poem or lyric or story.....it's kinda like an Easing of the Mind or what I like to call a Wisdom Talk. I like to do these every now and then whenever I feel an emotion and want to express it in the best way I can, in this case I expressed how much I'm in love with one of my high school bandmates.