If you have a heart...

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 12, 2007.

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  1. MARIExBRIARWOOD Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 9, 2007
    I just checked this bulletin on another site that my friend posted..

    It made me bawl my eyes out and I almost threw up.

    It was about animal cruelty.. and the had these little cages filled up with so many puppies and kittens you honestly couldn't tell where one animal stopped and the other began, and they were just tossing them off of the back of a truck or the top of this huge van.

    They had some kind of animal in a plastic bag and put it in a pot of boiling water.. and so many other horrible things!!

    I'm so sick right now. I'm sorry I know I'm more intelligent and could come up with better conversation in the Intelly Disc. but I'm so horrified right now I just needed to vent.

    I had to hold my dog and cry after I watched it, but it seemed kinda like he knew and he was saying "Its okay" to me with his eyes. It helped me feel better ^-^
  2. Amethyst Grave Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jul 7, 2007
    My Violet Prison
    Sounds Terrible! Whats the point in animal cruelty anyways? Heartless psycos might think its entertaining but its sick!
  3. MARIExBRIARWOOD Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 9, 2007
    I did a little more research on the video...

    It was a music video with clips taken from an investigation in fur farms in China.

    A lot of the dogs they were beating and skinning still had collars on, meaning they had been someone's pet. They also went behind the scenes on how slaughter animals were treated.

    My boyfriend basically was not supportive of my feelings on it. Said basically they have to die somehow -_-;;
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