If u smoke

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Shadow_Rocks, Dec 5, 2008.

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  1. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    You will lead a very bad life your teeth will be yellow you'll probablly get cancer you won't be attractive and no one will want to date u what do u think about smoking and other tobacco related items and what the consequences will be
  2. Solid Snake Kept you waiting, huh?

    May 21, 2007
    Thanks for that Mother Mary o_O

    Why are you trying to convince people not to smoke?

    EDIT:Oh yeah I forgot about the debate corner!!!!

    I agree with you =D
  3. Scott Pilgrim Banned

    Aug 11, 2008
    Yeah...I have to disagree with most of that. Yes, your teeth will be yellow, but not alot of smokers get cancer. Other tobacco related items are a different story. I smoke, but I don't seem to be any less attractive.
  4. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    that depends on how long you've been smoking I got this thread idea while in my 6th hour class though your right not all smokers get cancer but your clothes will smell like smoke at times I should know my uncle smokes ugh I still can't stand being around him when he smokes
  5. Scott Pilgrim Banned

    Aug 11, 2008
    I do like 1 cigarette per day, so I don't smell to bad, but after I smoke, I eat some mints.
  6. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    good Idea your better than my uncle my friend cheyanne's dad does the same thing well not the mint part her mom on the other the other hand smokes every ten minutes I feel sorry for her
  7. Repliku Chaser

    If you do anything in excess at all it can kill you or make you ugly and unattractive. It would be nice if people would learn to leave others alone so they can do what they want instead of spreading exaggerated scenarios such as the highly exaggerated 2nd hand smoke bull which has been proven to be well overestimated. Smoking is like drinking. They aren't good for you but people will do them and well, it's their right to. Sooner or later, they will have to learn to curb or cut the habits altogether because their health depends on it. If you drink too much water you can actually die too. xD.

    Also, the brilliant person that thought of the 'no one will go out with you or find you attractive' if you do something against the norm stuff...ought to be shot. I'm sure this only works for certain teenagers that care for nothing but how popular they are at school.

    No one also thinks that chewing gum constantly is cool and it is unattractive.
    No one thinks biting your nails is that attractive and well..yeah, it looks pretty silly.
    No one thinks that wearing a buttload of make up that you can scrape off with a spatula is attractive, or that over tanning looks that great, but people do it.
    Most people think wearing your pants down past your ass looks pretty stupid and you can't run for crap.
    There's so many uncool unpopular things to do. People will do them because that's who they are. Some are also habit forming and annoying to others.
    No one likes someone who cakes on a bunch of perfume or cologne either and yet people do it all the time not caring who gags around them.

    Yes, the long term effects of smoking are a downer and so on that point I would discourage someone from the habit because it is quite addicting and later down the road it has an effect on your lungs. That's a real point to say. The thing with people today is that they act like smoking is now as serious as someone taking some crack-cocaine or meth, in which the person could die at any time and they spread it to everyone else like the plague. It's just stupid. Knowing the facts and talking to someone with the facts will get get you farther than spreading propaganda and fake truths. Part of the reason teens try drugs out, to include smoking and drinking but the harsher stuff too, often is because of the lies around them that are perpetuated to scare kids and well...there's someone known who smokes dope, does some other illegal drug and well...the person is still alive, kicking and seems okay.

    In the end, know the facts. And ask instead of spewing the ridiculous stuff they teach kids nowadays. Smoking is surely not a great habit and I would discourage someone from it too, but if it's his/her choice, then it is. I don't need to add on fake superficial crap to the list to bother them with. I'd consider that telling them in 10 years or so, breathing will become a labor and your lungs will need time to clear. Also the potential of getting emphysema, reoccurring bronchitis, and getting sick easier will become a condition of life, and the longer you smoke, the harder it is to break the habit. Also, smoking does not -cause- cancer, but it is a factor that can make cancer cells more likely to stir and give you cancer at some point. We all have cancer cells in us. Some things can exacerbate them to becoming a problem, and smoking is one of many. I think these truths are enough to explain to someone and if not, then down the road, that's what will happen.
  8. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    To be honest, I have thought about smoking before. It was one time when I just really felt like I wasn't worth anything anymore. Later on, I realized how stupid I was being for even considering smoking...
    Anyways, we live in a society where kids simply get stoned for the heck of it. First, it's to be cool or to help yourself. Then, the obsession begins along with a a never ending frenzy. A few of my relatives used to smoke. Out of 5, 3 of them managed to quit. As for the other two, they're still struggling.
    Bottom line is, don't smoke. It's hard to give up.
  9. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    I'm used to reading things as long as that and I
    m able to pronounce better than most ppl but I totally understood that an I agree I wonder why ppl make jokes of ppl smoking crack cocaine (Thats how they say it not me)
  10. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Dude, you're calling me out >:
    that's not verrry niiice D:

    Occasionally, it is very hard to stop, and i'm still trying. I did stop once for my ex but i got back on it after we broke up.

    bottom line

    i smoke

    i don't care

    no one else does

    live on with ya life xD
  11. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    In the long-term any amount of smoking can lead to a number of health risks from something small like asthma or high blood pressure, to something big like cancer. In general, the positive health outcomes from not smoking far outweigh any reason to smoke (i.e. some teens start because it relieves stress).
  12. sinister King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2007
    i don't live...
    i just remember that...
    hm...i have never smoked..am proud of it...

    i know that it's hard for people to stop...but i would like to encourage them not to do it...

    hm...i also know that my throat feels weird after feeling smoke in the air...

    like if someone had put a hedghog in it... poor hedgehog...
  13. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I have only ever smoked when off my face pissed ;D Which of those would you say is worse? ;P

    I don't smoke when sober, although I did think about it because of stress from school etc. My friend started up from that (he started smoking while drunk too) but my other friend like attacks me any time she sees me near a cigarette xD I probably owe the fact that I don't smoke to her ;D
  14. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i choose not to smoke because i heard it makes your breathe smell VERY bad and makes your teeth very yellow. though i have breathed other people's smoke in and i have to say........it's kind of soothing. i remember one time i did this while waiting for the train to come and i was standing next to a smoker, i was breathing in some smoke and then i realized after a while that my headache disappeared! was it the cigarettes that did that?
  15. LoneWolf Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 19, 2008
    Google Earth
    I don't smoke, but I have relatives that do... But, they keep their teeth sparkly white, and they don't seem to have a different look on their face. Lung cancer on the other hand, direct thingy from cigarettes. Smoking is a no-no to me :D.
  16. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    I'd have to agree, smoking is bad. True that your teeth will develop a hint of nasty but trying to get no longer attractive to people is kind of in the middle. Men who are the ones to go to places or some sort, drag some female in, her enjoying to be with the smoker. Smoking seems to be bad, but not all with get cancer. It depends on if they've been smoking for a long time, and the smoker could have someone get cancer, with the fumes going through, intruding the inside body. Although, I would like to know what is the thing that has people smoking and why do they continue.
  17. sinister King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2007
    i don't live...

    i think someone might argue against me now...
    but i think it's the nikotin...
    it makes the brain feel good for a short while but without it the brain goes loco and demands more of it... thus the addiction begins...
  18. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    Although it could be stopped with avoiding it. I don't really recommend nicotene, from looking at commercials, it'll be a daily basis. Buying and buying. But using a food to avoid it would be great. Having to chew gum for some time when ever you have the craving for a cigarette. Addiction could go away, just having something to chew or eat.
  19. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    I don't smoke. It just kills me when I smell someone smoking it.
  20. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    Well women only smoke to drive away depression lots of the inside feelings while men only smoke for outer part like so they can look cool in class yesterday we listed the reasons why boys and s underage smoke I put for boys because they want to look grown up and because they want to be like there role though I don't know if my uncle smokes still since he's lived in Maryland also smoking causes more s than ,cocaine,murders,car s,and other things combined
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