my children of khv, let it be this: be nice. Do not underestimate the significance of a smile when interacting with someone, be it a relative, a friend, an educator, or a worker. Simply having a good attitude does so much to make you approachable and leave the other person with a positive experience that could elevate their day from mundane to pleasant. It's not hard. It requires so little. You do not need to be suffocatingly friendly to be nice. All it takes is a positive attitude and absence of negativity. If you find this to be too difficult, at least avoid injecting negativity into any situation you find yourself in, or any conversation where you're not aware of the other participants emotional levels. Someone may be having a good day, and you're snide remark could potentially ruin it. Be nice, kids. and let it all out on the internet.
I have problems smiling. It's actually caused problems for me in the past. Not that I frown or anything like that but smiling just doesn't feel natural all the time. I hate having to put up a front in official business. They tell you to smile and wave and play the role but what's the point in that? I do find it easy to smile when others are smiling which is why I'm usually the jokester, the class clown if you will. I don't cope well in situations where nobody is smiling, especially situations where it would be inappropriate for me to make them smile, or try to anyway. Like when someone dies and everyone is in the coping stages, I know it's normal to try and comfort them but I can't do that with a joke because it wouldn't be acceptable. It may seem rude but I walk away from those situations. I do makeup for my shortcomings by doing one good deed a day. I'm the guy who you can trust with ten bucks and a gas jug when you're stuck on the side of the highway. I'll be the first one to pull over and give you a jump. Hell, I keep a medical kit in my car for scrapes and bruises. Need a ride? I'll get you there. I don't do it expecting something in return ... well, that's not completely true. I expect a smile because when you smile I smile and I love to smile. ~Nights
You should be Megatron. Oooh, ooh! And Plums can be Optimus! cstar can be Starscreen. RvR can be ... RvR can be ... hmm ... Sari? ~Nights
Was gonna go for something similar but decided with wordplay instead. That and Plums would be an awesome Optimus Prime. ~Nights
then live it up in maxbitch mode i guess this has nothing to do with being nice. come on youre supposed to set an example
sorry below 8( Nah for real, what you're saying is more of less what I consider under the umbrella of "no longer being a megabitch." Being nicer, eliminating negativity from my life as much as possible. Not great at smiling tho, that might take some work
I get that. I mean, I'm not much of a smiler either, but when interacting with people at school and stuff I try to end the convo with a smile and "thanks" or something depending on the person. not like a disturbingly huge smile or anything though lol. just enough to not look like i hate them.
To further drive the point home, watch this: Do your part to make us the best dot in the whole entire universe. Just one smile or good deed every day is all that it takes. Yeah, and I need you to be able to Mega Evolve if I'm gonna win the tournament next week
Legend foretold of a secret art that has been passed down throughout the generations. A mysterious ability like no other. It's prowess matched only by the sheer ferocity of its inexplicable methods of dishing out cruel and unusual punishment through means of communication. Little is known of this secret art and for those who ever have the rotten luck to cross its wielders path ... may the gods have mercy on your soul. #LegendOfMegabitchNowOnNick ~Nights