What would it be? For me it would be a KH Online, where you create your own keyblade master and you can...do what you usally do in a MMORPG.
I heard about a DB MMO so i'd say it'd be great if they made the accually game that the .hack series is based in called "The World"
I would have to say the Sims because I don't want to spend 20 on a game the I could just play online.It's not really worth the 20 bucks but it is a good game.
They did, but it sucked, so it doesnt exsist anymore. Would be cool if they did "The World 2" though from .hack//G.U that game would rape >.>
wow no one has posted here for a while... i think it would be awesome if they did a naruto online game. or even a Vampire Knight one.
I always thought Animal Crossing should be an MMO. Sure, you can meet up with friends you already know, but I think there could be a whole lot more to it, if it were an expansive MMO.
Instead of turning kingdom hearts into an RPG mmo why not a pvp centered one? Like, you create your own character and beat the **** out of other characters and go on quests to stop heartless and bosses and such.
Final Fantasy X has the perfect battle system for the computer, plus it's one of my favorites. I always thought that it would be a good game for the computer.