If Sora met Vanitas

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Shinichi Izumi, Mar 7, 2011.

  1. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    If Sora met Vanitas:
    Sora: Whoa, are you me?
    Vanitas: No idiot!
    Sora: But you look like me.
    Vanitas:No I don't, your hair is brown and mine is black.
    Sora: OMG You must be my long lost twin brother! HUGS!
    Vanitas: Stop hugging me I'm not your brother!
    Sephiroth: Welcome to my world.
    Riku: DADDY!
    Sephiroth: Damn it! For the 12,000th time I'M NOT YOUR DAD!!!!

    when i saw that i couldent stop lagthing i just wanted to share it with the rest of you;] XD