If One More Thing Goes Wrong Im Gonna Have A Breakdown

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by anarchy666, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. anarchy666 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 25, 2010
    In The Depths Of A Dark Place
    To put it simply:
    all my friends are fighting
    my best friend is dying because she has a brain tumor in the back of her head
    im getting told that my girlfriend might be cheating on me
    and its just all to much!!
  2. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Um...well i'm no expert in emotional matters, but why exactly are all your friends fighting?
  3. Sufris Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 15, 2010
    In a mushroom. No, really.
    One, your friends.

    Be the pacifier. Why are they fighting? If it's a misunderstanding, then by all means, help resolve it. Come to a mutual understanding. Call them all over to your place or something and make them talk about it. The point is, as a friend, you shouldn't just leave them be because naturally, they're going to fall apart. There's a possibility you're the only one keeping all of them together.

    Two, your friend.

    She's dying, or she's "dying"? Is it confirmed or anything? If yes, then, I'm afraid you'll have to pull through. A death of a close friend or relative hasn't really happened to me before, so I can't empathize and offer cold comfort. If you just need a comforting rub, then by all means, PM or VM me. :3

    If she's "dying", then why are you saying she is? It's like saying a patient with cancer is doomed to death. For all you know, she'll pull through.

    But even so, have a little hope. Hope works both ways, positive and negative. Ignore the negative. Just have the hope and the will to pull through.

    Third, your girlfriend.

    If she's cheating on you, why tolerate it? If she's not, why tolerate the rumors? The only way you can get the truth is, and I quote Vanitas, to go seek for it yourself. You can't just stick to what other people are telling you. It could be a misunderstanding. This guy could just be a friend or something. Just because she holds hands with another guy doesn't mean they're dating. I sometimes link arms with my friend. Am I lesbian? No.

    Confront her. In a gentle way. You can't just burst out (obviously) at her, saying "I can't believe you're cheating on me!".

    So in a nutshell, take action. Do something. v.v

    You have friends to turn to here, so by all means, turn to them. :3
  4. eentje Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 7, 2007
    If your friend is that ill, you should stay close to her. About your friends, do not choose sides, let them fight, they'll stop eventually. And you're girlfriend, don't judge to soon, but if you do have clear evidence, let her go...
  5. Jin うごかないで

    Jul 19, 2010
    Dude , concentrate on the friend who's dying , she has some time before she goes , i'v never had a friend with a terminal illness , i'v had friends who have died , one hit by a car the other heart attack , and i'm sorry for your friend , you must be really stressed dude.

    Comfirm it with your Girl if she's cheating , don't sound as if you're doubting her , girls hate that , but talk to her about it.

    As for the friends , let the bicker and solve it , don't get involved.