Part 1 (birth - 8th grade) This is that film that, despite a few minor flaws here and there, you will never say anything bad about because it's so good and the nostalgia surrounding it is so strong that this film seems nothing short of magical. There's really nothing else that can be said about this film, this film holds a special place in our hearts, we will never forget this movie. Pat 2 (high school) This is that movie that should never have been made, and you would just as soon forget it exists as you would never talk about it again. It's for the good of everyone that this is just forgotten about. Sure it has a few good moments here and there, but it ultimately put the franchise in a place where no one wanted it to be, and left everyone with a bad taste in their mouth that seems like it can't be washed out until their faith has been restored in the franchise by a film just as good as the first one. Part 3 (college) - coming next year This is that film that we look to with great hope. We want it to restore the franchise to it's former glory, and we want it to be successful because this film series is something we sincerely want to love. The entire franchise hinges on this film. Part 4 (post-college) We don't know anything about this film, we only know that it is coming. It goes without saying that we want it to be good, but unless part 3 is successful in restoring everyone's faith in the franchise, this film will amount to nothing.
If my life was a film series it would be a two romantic comedies, a soap opera TV series because of executive meddling, and one last romcom movie for the finale in which I finally get the girl, except she wasn't the girl I thought I wanted.
If my life were a film it would be an independent because no one but me takes it seriously . . . . Hahahahahahaha . . . Ha?