Let's hope it never comes to that, but hypothetically now. Where would you go? What would you do? A big part of my day is spent on KHV, or doing KHV related things such as MSN with members and such. If it did close down, I'd probably get a lot more free time. I'd have to debate whether or not I should leave it like that or move to another forum. If I do decide to go to another forum, it's probably be something generally movie related since I do love movie discussions. Most specific game forums are either way too big or just annoying.
I think it'd probably just give me more time to play MMO's, like Perfect World or Rusty Hearts...which I gotta get back to doing anyways. I would also be watching more anime too
I'd miss the interesting people I talk to. The general sense of everyone. As if things fell silent. And empty. Like, did it ever happen? Or was it something my mind made up? Were they people or were they just voices and words? It's not a day I look forward to. This was brought on by Sunday update, right?
That's normal since you've been on KHV for your whole teenage life :v You're basically the soul and spirit of KHV at this point. Nah, not really. We all think about it from time to time, and I thought about it a while ago so I wanted to know what other people would do. I mean we all think about it every now and again, and we all know it's going to happen eventually.
I feel like right now I'm living a life without it and it's not fun ;-; I would either be motivated to do more work or just fill my free time with less productive things so I'm counting it as a good thing :D But if KHV disappeared then I would have no idea what to do, I'd probably get on MSN more...
I would be extremely depressed, and I would try to keep in contact with as many of the people I knew here as possible. This place is irreplaceable to me.
I'm not entirely devoted to being here but over the last few months I find myself visiting here naturally like my finger muscle memory just hovers over the magic "kh" keys when I'm browsing. I used to think this was just a place to get some KH videos and read up on some KH news, then I discovered the forums lol. But yeah I'm in between addicted to this place and just a passerby. I guess if it closed down I would actually get to trying other things. This place actually replaced the time I spent making AMVs after I quit and it's starting to get into my voice acting time.
I'd feel like a small part of me was gone. I met my best friend and so many other amazing people here, and I've had so much fun. However, I'd probably make a tumblr blog if KHV was closed.
I would be sad for a bit. I would compulsively come here, just out of habit, for a while. Ultimately it wouldn't drastically change my life. I'd still have my friends via FB, MSN, texing/phone calls, etc. There would just be no KHV forum. I would probably spend all of my time elsewhere. I can't see myself moving onto another forum because most communities are just...Uncomfortable for me. I feel like I got heavily into KHV by mere chance. I'm not a big forum person.
get as many khv contacts as possible because i'd miss everyone sooo much forreal. i've left multiple times but you are all so nice to me that ily all ; - ; though, i'm pretty balanced with my social life and internet life so i'd be doing pretty much what i'm doing now. school, party/chill, study, tumblr, shop online, etc.
Yeah, KHV just sits perfectly with the rest of my life at the moment. To see it go would be... Awkward. I'd fill it with something but it wouldn't be the same as KHV. I also sympathise here, I've been on plenty of forums but I'm just drawn to this one, now more then ever. Even during the worst part of KHV I still didn't want to leave, I still came back (like some abused husband) and still wouldn't give up on this place. It's like a home, and every other forum is like a house. You're too new. Opinion: DENIED. Next!