I think that this site would be the best place to discuss it. Awhile back though, my sis asked me what iDoser was, and it lead to me reading quite a few interesting things on the topic. iDoser, for those who don't know, is a type of music which is also a downloadable ap, which creates a beat that messes with people's brain waves. You can look it up on youtube (though I've never listened to it personally), but straight to the point, it create's a fake, yet intense high, from what I've seen. So I'm curious, what are people's oppinions on it?
Each time I've tried it, it never worked on me. It's stupid. I think you go in expecting something, and you either trick yourself into thinking it worked, or you lay there really bored and confused.
People seem to think a lot that audio has significant power in our heads. Backmasking, brown noise, iDoser... The first two I've seen proven to have no corrolation. iDoser i doubt is anything more than a placebo as well. Looking at stuff on youtube people seem to either have minimal/no reaction or are acting, but that may be just because I doubt it to begin with. Curious to see what other people think about this. Especially if anyone has had success with it themselves.