lets see.....they talk in i think viking.........i dont know..... well i dont think it was that good.......
The game was quite unique. The soundtrack was amazin'! The visuals was grand. A pretty damn good game.
.........ok........ ico is a game wher the speak like gslricb... djfdhfddsnnc....... gofvnvufh! erhudgcdvcbd! thats what i here from them........look for it on gamespot.com to get information on it.
and im serious about the dncdfhdcxnncd and stufdjcdnfvcdc also ncjvzncvdcxn bcxcchf!!!n hcvf!? cdcdhd??? thats what they actually sound like.
yeah they have sub titles but not for this one girl......her subtitles are in that language....exept in the end....for some reason...in the end the girls subtitles are english