I would like your opinion or arguement for the "2012" phenomina.

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by NYAN CAT =^_^=, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. NYAN CAT =^_^= Destiny Islands Resident

    May 18, 2012
    Gotham City
    As predicted by the Mayans, on December 21st, 2012, the Earth will line up with the Sun which will be in line with the black hole at the center of our galaxy. No one knows for sure what will happen but people love to talk about it. very hot subject
    SCIENTIFIC EXPERTS globally are predicting and expecting that 3 years from now, all life on Earth may well come to an end. Some are saying it'll be we humans that would set it off. Others believe that a natural disasterous phenomenon will be the cause. And the religious folks are saying it'll be God himself who would press the stop and restart button. The following are some likely arguments as to why the world would end by the year 2012. Go through them and leave your view below.

    Reason one: Mayan calendar
    The first to predict 2012 as the end of the world were the Mayans, a bloodthirsty race that were good at two things — building highly accurate astrological equipment out of stone and sacrificing virgins.
    Thousands of years ago they managed to calculate the length of the lunar moon as 329.53020 days, only 34 seconds out. The Mayan calendar predicts that the earth will end on December 21, 2012. Given that they were pretty close to the mark with the lunar cycle, it's likely they've got the end of the world right as well.

    Reason two: Sun storms
    Solar experts from around the world monitoring the sun have made a startling discovery. Our sun is in a bit of strife. The energy output of the sun is, like most things in nature, cyclic and it's supposed to be in the middle of a period of relative stability. However, recent solar storms have been bombarding the earth with lot of radiation energy. It's been knocking out power grids and destroying satellites. This activity is predicted to get worse and calculations suggest it'll reach its deadly peak sometime in 2012.

    Reason three: The atom smasher
    Scientists in Europe have been building the world's largest particle accelerator. Basically, its a 27 km tunnel designed to smash atoms together to find out what makes the universe tick. However, the mega-gadget has caused serious concern, with some scientists suggesting that it's properly even a bad idea to turn it on in the first place. They're predicting all manner of deadly results, including mini black holes. So when this machine is fired up for its first serious experiment in 2012, the world could be crushed into a super-dense blob the size of a basketball.

    Reason four: The Bible says it
    If having scientists warning us about the end of the world isn't bad enough, religious folks are getting in on the act as well. Interpretations of the Christian Bible reveal that the date for Armageddon, the final battle between good an evil, has been set for 2012. The I Ching, also known as the Chinese Book of Changes, says the same thing, as do various sections of the Hindu teachings.

    Reason five: Super volcano
    Yellowstone National Park in United States is famous for its thermal springs and old faithful geyser. The reason for this is simple — it's sitting on top of the world's biggest volcano and geological experts are beginning to get nervous sweats. The Yellowstone volcano has a pattern of erupting every 650,000 years or so, and we're many years overdue for an explosion that will fill the atmosphere with ash, blocking the sun and plunging the earth into a frozen winter that could last up to 15,000 years. The pressure under the Yellowstone is building steadily, and geologists have set 2012 as a likely date for the big bang.

    Reason six: The physicists
    This one's case of bog — simple maths mathematics. Physicists at Berkely University have been crunching the numbers. They've determined that the earth is well overdue for a major catastrophic event. Even worse, they're claiming that their calculations prove that we're all going to die, very soon. They are also saying that their prediction comes with a certainty of 99 per cent; and 2012 just happens to be the best guess as to when it occurs.

    Reason seven: Earth's magnetic field
    We all know the Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field that shields us from most of the sun's radiation. What you might not know is that the magnetic poles we call North and South have a nasty habit of swapping places every 750,000 years or so — and right now we're about 30,000 years overdue. Scientists have noted that the poles are drifting apart roughly 20-30 kms each year, much faster than ever before, which points to a pole-shift being right around the corner. While the pole shift is under way, the magnetic field is disrupted and will eventually disappear, sometimes for up to 100 years. The result is enough UV outdoors to crisp your skin in seconds, killing everything it touches.
  2. awesomeperson Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 15, 2011
    The Mayan calender is wrong,some Mayans even said it themselves that world will not end on December 21st and the other ones im not so sure about.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Reason one: Lol no. Let's pretend that the calender ends this year, the Mayans are not magical beings who can predict the future.

    Reason two: That's always a viable threat. Then again, so are gamma ray bursts. Scientist have a really hard time predicting when things will happen. It's not a perfect science.

    Reason three: There's absolutely no danger from the experiments going on at CERN. Black holes have already been made and they last for such a short period of time that it has no effect on its surroundings. Plus, even if a decent sized black hole was created for let's say...an hour, nothing bad would happen. I don't know why people are so silly. They suggest outrageous things.

    Reason four: The Bible isn't a trustworthy source. It's been edited multiple times, mistranslated, and is even incomplete.

    Reason five: Well, humans can't stop volcanoes from erupting so...it's not really anything to worry about. If it happens, it happens.

    Reason six: They're bored. You can't really trust a physicist who wastes time guessing when the world will end. Most likely their numbers are horribly skewed too.

    Reason seven: While the poles will flip eventually, it's again something out of our control. Besides, it could be very likely that nothing bad will happen at all. >>
  4. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    I'll skip the large green text for this. xD

    I don't believe that anyone can predict the date of the end of the world. Whether or not it will happen in 2012, I don't know. But I do think its entirely possible. Maybe its because we can easily get news from around the world very quickly, but there seems to be a lot more natural disasters happening in recent years. The way I see it is the Earth is going through a cycle of change that it won't be good for us.

    The only reason I don't agree with is the Mayan Calendar, and partially the Bible. From my understanding, the Bible doesn't give a date but it lists things that will occur before Judgement; like wars, natural disasters etc. But these have been going on for thousands for years. So unless something massive happens very shortly I doubt it will be 2012. Though there are still 5 months to go. xD

    I couldn't say which one is most likely to be the reason. They're all possible and will happen at some point. If we don't end up killing ourselves then some natural disaster will. It could be very soon or some point after our deaths. There really is no way to predict a precise date or reason.
  5. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007
    I think that if anything, the panic that will occur would be the undoing of the human race.
  6. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Wow. There is a lot of incorrect information in that post.

    Point 1: The Mayans weren't blood thirsty. That's an incorrect stereotype. And the calender ends on that date because it's incomplete. It's not because they were predicting the end of the world.

    Point 2: The sun is as much of a danger as it is a benefit to life on Earth. This is nothing new. It won't cause the end of the world.

    Point 3: There's been no danger from the LHC. People jump to conclusions and freak out and assume the worst possible outcome will occur. Black holes have been made before. Has it caused damage? No.

    Point 4: The Bible is not an accurate source for almost anything. It is not fact. It has been mistranslated and there are so many versions and interpretations. It just can't be counted on.

    Point 5: Volcanos will always erupt. Nothing new here.

    Point 6: Which physicists? What studies? I'm not saying there aren't those who are saying the world will end soon, but a lot of the time, it can end up being incorrect too.

    Point 7: It's a natural occurance. It does not mean the end of the world.

    next time, please get your facts straight and cite your sources in this sort of a thing.
  7. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Um, what? What the Bible actually says is...

    In other words, the Bible specifically says that we can't predict it. Therefore your Bible argument falls flat, regardless of whether you actually believe it as a trustworthy source.
  8. aiight Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 4, 2012
    in an anus
    people have been trying to predict for thousands of years when the world will end. no one actually knows for sure.
  9. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    How did they say that the world will end on December 21, 2012? To my knowledge, the only thing that indicates that date is the fact that they stopped adding to their ridiculously long calender. End of the world? More like lazy Mayan scholars.
    It is highly unlikely that it will actually become deadly, at least not on a massive scale. At worst, a small country's worth of people will die and, while tragic, those deaths will be a very small dent in our overall population.
    Do you have any idea how incredibly unlikely any of those deadly results are? It's possible, but that doesn't mean that it isn't astronomically unlikely. The exact same fears were expressed about CERN. The odds of it forming a black hole that could end world were one in fifty million. Our friends on Mock the Week have some words for you on that.
    I'm just going to stop you at:
    If you want to be taken seriously in any discussion, especially one that includes science of any kind, saying, "The Bible says so," or any variation will completely ruin any and all credibility that you might already have. This argument is not valid, so it would be very nice if you would leave it out of your list. There are so many interpretations of the Bible that it's nearly impossible to see through all of the metaphors and bad translations in it. Want one awesome example? The Hebrew word that is translated as "day" in the first couple chapters of Genesis was, at the time it was most likely written, more commonly used to refer to any period of time. Take a look at this little graph:
    Count the number of epochs. Six periods of time, from Paleocene to Pleistocene, leaving one period of time for God to rest. Lines up pretty well with what the Bible says, doesn't it?

    Anyway, my point is that the Bible is not a credible source on anything other than the contents of the Bible. The same goes for every other religious text.
    That one is actually a credible threat. It's still extremely unlikely, but it's still a pretty good guess about our Apocolypse How.
    99% certainty? Still not 100%. Just because we're overdue for a catastrophic event doesn't mean that it will happen. All it means is that the odds were in our favor. If there's a 1/100 chance of something happening under certain circumstances, that doesn't mean that every 100 instances of those circumstances in a row will yield that result.
    It takes a long time for the poles to shift. They've been shifting for the past several thousand years. They're not going to suddenly speed up just because they're a little overdue to be completely turned over.
  10. NYAN CAT =^_^= Destiny Islands Resident

    May 18, 2012
    Gotham City
    ​In all honesty, I did not come up with this information. I was naturally surfing the web on the phenomina or predictions about the world ending. I copied and pasted the information into a thread to be discussed about. I hardly agree with a few of the , but people have said that the Mayans somehow predicted most things that happened around the world.
    I'd be surprised on how I got so much of this information on my own, but as I had said, I found information on websites.
    I do not take any of this information as my own.
    As for the bible reason. The bible was re-written a lot. Actually its hard to tell what might or might not be true. Sort of. Anyways, even though I strongly disagree with The Bible reasoning the end of the world, I still used it as an example because many people-who are strongly religious-agree with the Bible.
  11. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Though this post will barely contribute to this 'debate', I would like to tell you to research your information before you post it.

    I'd like to say that you, in your first post, thought that by posting this knowledge, thought the other members who looked on would perceive you as more intelligible than they had thought before, but when you found that they were debunking each of your theories (found on the internet, yes), you decided to claim that they weren't yours as to save yourself. Of course, it worked.

    In any matter, it's a general misconception that the Mayans were bloodthirsty. Sure, they sacrificed humans and animals, and yes, did shed blood, but it's not as if the Aztecs or the Incans didn't do so. That was generally how the ancient Central-to-Soutch American societies worked.
  12. NYAN CAT =^_^= Destiny Islands Resident

    May 18, 2012
    Gotham City
    ​I wasn't trying to make othe members think of me as "intelligible'. I will kindly share a link to the resource.

    Anywho, I really don't believe that the world will end anytime soon, so some of that information doesn't really mean anything to me. Although the what Nature does is completely out of my hands and everyone elses. You can't stop Nature so, if it happens, it happens.

    I really do not know much about the Mayans except that they did "predict" when the first human stepped on the moon and all these other things-which I watched on the History Channel. So, when they said their calendar stopped on 12/21/12, I was a bit scared. Then I'm like, "How do they know if something didn't just happen to the civilization. They could have been run out of their domains and what not", so I just forgot about that completely.
  13. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Actually the world should have ended 1 year ago.
    The Mayans didn't use leap days, so our calender is "ahead" of theirs.
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Wouldn't the people who translated the Mayan calendar account for that?
  15. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    You know which one of those scares me, it's the only one. The particle accelerator/atom smasher. I wouldn't even mess with that thing. If the words "Black hole" and "Earth" appear in the same sentence, it's best to shut the project down and go back to cloning sheep.

    There is one other that I believe could cause something catastrophic. The solar storms, they can destroy every piece of electrical technology on earth. Now assuming that is the worst case scenario, it doesn't worry me as much as the atom smasher.
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    The leap year exists because a year isn't actually 365 days. So you'd think that the calendar would have something within itself to make up for that so our calendars would line up. >> Eh. I'm not an expert on ancient calendars.

    Black holes have already been created. Shutting down the LHC(Large Hadron Collider) would be like telling humanity to stop progressing in science. The LHC is home to the most advanced front of physics in the entire world.

    Black holes made from the LHC have two very important properties.

    1. They don't even survive long enough to accumulate matter.
    2. This applies to all black holes but it's more important for the LHC. Black holes do obey a very specific rule of physics. Their gravitational pull is based off their mass. The LHC is a particle collider, not a supermassive star. To say a black hole made from the LHC could tear the Earth apart would be like saying my guitar pick has enough mass to do the same kind of damage. It's just silly.

    To finish off, here's a quote from CERN:

    Black holes created by the LHC are harmless. You have now been informed by the awesome power of science.
  17. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    I don't think the world will end, I mean it's possible everyday the world will end but I don't think it is set in stone it will end on that day. Nope. Everybody just gonna get wasted and go to work with a hangover the next morning.
  18. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA

    Your words, have no effect. Even if they say it might be harmless, who's to say some cosmic mumbo jumbo won't be in line with the rest of the blah blah and cause an outrageous effect on the black hole increasing it's size and tearing the earth apart. I'm just saying that all those assurances are as good as a bad gamblers bet, to me anyway. Those scientists cannot be sure exactly how black holes act. It's not like they could ever get close enough to a real one to figure it out. Every one is entitled to their own opinion, and if you believe that nothing can come of it then fine. I'm just saying that anything can happen. To quote Murhpy's Law
  19. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    That's not how matter works. In order for the black hole to become larger, it would have to have more matter in it. If it does not survive long enough to attract more matter, it will not be able to become larger. Even if it does survive and remain stable, it's not likely to be large or dense enough to attract more than a few air particles in its surrounding area. Its gravitational field will not increase by enough to affect anything on the macroscopic scale. And even if it does, the world has to end sometime, right?